Perform the following procedure to install Carbon Black EDR on the production server by using the Yum cache.


Important: You must install the same OS on the Carbon Black EDR production server as you installed on the caching server. RHEL and CentOS Yum require unique packages for each OS type and version. Any difference in the caching server OS build and the production OS build result in a high probability of failure.


  1. Install the appropriate OS on the production server by following OS vendor or internal procedures.
  2. Install the Carbon Black EDR License RPM.
    1. Copy the Carbon Black-provided RPM file to the production server.
      carbon-black-release-<customer dependent>.x86_64.rpm
    2. Log into the production server console.
    3. Change directory to the location of the RPM.
    4. Install the RPM package:
      #rpm -ivh carbon-black-release-<customer dependent>.x86_64.rpm
    5. Create a Yum cache directory structure and add the base architecture and release version directories to /var/cache/yum:
      #mkdir -p /var/cache/yum/<basearch>/<releasever>/
      #mkdir -p /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/
  3. To populate the production server’s Yum cache, extract the Yum cache archive file (yumcache.tar.gz) to the appropriate directory:
    #tar -xvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C
    #tar -xvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/
  4. Update /etc/yum.conf by adding cachedir=/var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever in the [main] section of the file.
  5. If you are using RHEL8/CENTOS8, use the cache command line option to disable some prerequisite modules:
    yum -C -y module disable postgresql redis python38
  6. Install cb-enterprise using the cache switch:
    #yum install -C cb-enterprise
  7. Follow the remaining Carbon Black EDR server initialization and configuration steps in Initialize and Configure a New Server.