By using the debug-auto-import subcommand of the cell management tool, you can investigate the reason for which the mechanism for discovering vApps skips one or more vCenter VMs.

In the default configuration, an organization VDC automatically discovers vCenter VMs that are created in the resource pools that back the VDC. See the discovering and adopting vApps information in the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal Guide. If a vCenter VM does not appear in a discovered vApp, you can run the debug-auto-import subcommand against this VM or VDC.

cell-management-tool debug-auto-import options

The debug-auto-import subcommand returns a list of vCenter VMs and information about the possible reasons for being skipped by the discovery mechanism. The list also includes vCenter VMs that are discovered but failed to import to the organization VCD.

Table 1. Cell Management Tool Options and Arguments, debug-auto-import Subcommand
Option Argument Description


None Provides a summary of available commands in this category.
--org Organization name Optional. Lists information about the skipped VMs for the specified organization.
--vm VM name or part of a VM name Lists information about the skipped VMs that contain the specified VM name.

Optional if the --org option is used.

Debug vCenter VM Discovery by VM Name test

The following command returns information about skipped vCenter VMs across all organizations.
[root@cell1 /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin]#./cell-management-tool debug-auto-import -vm test
VM with name:vm22-test (09ad258c-0cb0-4f69-a0a6-201cf3fe7d6b), moref vm-50 in VC testbed-vc can be skipped for the following reasons:
1) Virtual machine is already imported in vCD or is managed by vCD
2) Virtual machine is created by vCD

VM with name:test-vm1 (32210d0d-ef64-4637-b1d6-6400743a6bd9), moref vm-44 in VC testbed-vc can be skipped for the following reasons:
1) Virtual machine is not present in a vCD managed resource pool

VM with name:import-test3, moref vm-52inVC testbed-vc can be skippedforthe following reasons:
1) Virtual machine autoimport is either pending,in-progress or has failed and pendingforretry
In this example, the system output returns information about three vCenter VMs that are skipped by the discovery mechanism and whose names contain the string test. VM import-test3 is an example of a VM that is discovered but failed to import to the VDC.