This design pattern lists the design choices and resulting requirements and recommendations to deploy an NSX Edge cluster on a dedicated vSphere cluster with a specific configuration to achieve maximum performance with consistent bandwidth allocated to edge traffic. This design can also be combined with multi-rack edge availability to provide rack resiliency and a high level of availability for the edge cluster with edge VMs in both racks in the VMware Cloud Foundation instance.

Figure 1. Dedicated Edge Scale and Performance

Design Choices for Edge Cluster Design Pattern One

This design requires the following VMware Cloud Foundation deployment choices:

Table 1. Design Choices for NSX Edge Cluster Design Pattern One

Design Aspect

Choice Made

Architecture model


Workload domain type

VI workload domain


Multiple Instances - Single Availability Zone per Instance

Single Instance - Single Availability Zone (Only supported topology if combining with Multi-Rack Edge Availability)

Workload Domain Cluster to Rack Mapping

Workload domain cluster per Rack

Physical network configuration


Workload domain principal storage


Design Elements for NSX Edge Cluster Design Pattern One

Table 2. External Services Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements

External services

External Services Design Requirements

Table 3. Physical Network Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements

Physical network

Leaf-Spine Physical Network Design Requirements

Leaf-Spine Physical Network Design Recommendations

Leaf-Spine Physical Network Design Recommendations for Dedicated Edge Scale and Performance

Table 4. Dedicated Edge Scale and Performance Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements


vSAN Design Requirements

vSAN Design Recommendations


ESXi Server Design Requirements

ESXi Server Design Recommendations

vSphere cluster

vSphere Cluster Design Requirements

vSphere Cluster Design Recommendations

vSphere networking

vSphere Networking Design Requirements for Dedicated Edge Scale and Performance

vSphere Networking Design Recommendations

NSX Edge Node

NSX Edge Design Requirements

NSX Edge Design Recommendations


BGP Routing Design Requirements

BGP Routing Design Recommendations


Overlay Design Requirements

Overlay Design Recommendations

Table 5. Life Cycle Management Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements

Life cycle management

Life Cycle Management Design Requirements

Table 6. Account and Password Management Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements

Account and password management

Account and Password Management Design Recommendations

Table 7. Certificate Management Design Elements

Design Area

Applicable Design Elements

Certificate management

Certificate Management Design Recommendations