In VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA, as a data scientist or a DevOps engineer, you can deploy a PostgreSQL database from VMware Aria Automation on VMware Data Services Manager by using a catalog item in Automation Service Broker.

You activate the pgvector extension in the database . This extension introduces specialized data types, operators, and functions to support the effective storage, manipulation, and analysis of vector data directly within PostgreSQL databases.


Verify with your cloud administrator that the prerequisites for creating a PostgreSQL database are in place. See Creating Databases.


  1. Log in to VMware Aria Automation at https://<aria_automation_cluster_fqdn>/csp/gateway/portal.
  2. On the main navigation bar, click Services.
  3. On the My Services page, click Service Broker.
  4. On the Consume tab, on the navigation bar, click Catalog.
  5. Locate the catalog item for database deployment according to the information from your cloud administrator.

    By default, the catalog item is called DSM DBaaS.

  6. In the catalog item card, click Request and enter the details for the new PostgreSQL database.

    For more information on the settings for the database, see Creating Databases in the VMware Data Services Manager documentation.

  7. After the deployment is completed, get the connection string of the deployed database.
    1. Click Deployments > Deployments .
    2. Select the deployment entry for the database.
    3. On the Topology tab, select the cloud template for the database deployment and from the Actions menu for the template, select Get Connection String.
  8. Activate the pgvector extension.
    1. Connect to the database.
      psql -h pgvector_db_ip_address -p 5432 -d pgvector_db_name -U pgvector_db_admin -W
    2. Activate the pgvector extension.
      pgvector_db_name=# CREATE EXTENSION vector;


Configure a RAG workload with the newly-created database.

For more information on provisioning and performing operations on databases in VMware Data Services Manager from VMware Aria Automation, see the file in the AriaAutomation_DataServicesManager bundle.