In VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA, as a cloud administrator, add a catalog item for provisioning databases in VMware Data Services Manager to Automation Service Broker in VMware Aria Automation.

To create the catalog item, you run a Python script. The script creates the custom resources in VMware Aria Automation that are required for using VMware Data Services Manager for database provisioning.


  • Verify that you have the VMware Aria Automation organization ID.

    You can see the ID from Identity and Access Management UI in the top right corner of the VMware Aria Automation console or by using the VMware Aria Automation API.

  • Provide a machine that has the following software installed and has network access to the VMware Data Services Manager and VMware Aria Automation instances.

    • Python 3.10
    • requests module for Python
    • PyYAML
    • urllib3


  1. On the machine running Python, download the AriaAutomation_DataServicesManager bundle for VMware Data Services Manager 2.0.2 from VMware Tanzu Network and extract its content.
  2. Update the config.json file in the folder where you extracted the bundle with the host name of VMware Data Services Manager, VMware Aria Automation base URL, VMware Aria Automation Org ID, and user credentials for VMware Data Services Manager and VMware Aria Automation.

    You can also set the name of the catalog item, Automaton Assembler project, and other parameters.

  3. To create the catalog items in VMware Aria Automation, run the Python script in the following way.
    python3 enable-blueprint-version-2
  4. Verify that all the custom resources are created in VMware Aria Automation.
    1. Log in to the VMware Aria Automation console as an administrator.
    2. On the main navigation bar, click Services.
    3. On the My Services page, click Assembler.
    4. In Automation Assembler, click the Infrastructure tab and verify that a new project is available according to the settings in config.json.
      The default project name is DSM_Project.
    5. Click the Design tab and verify that a new cloud template is available according to the settings in config.json.
      The default template name is DSM_DBaaS.
    6. Click Administration > Secrets and verify that the environmental variables dsm_hostname, dsm_user_id and dsm_password are created according to the settings in the config.json file.
    7. On the Extensibility tab, click Library > Actions and verify that two new CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Destroy) actions DSM-DB-CRUD and DSM-Day2-Operations are created.


For more information on the Python script operation, see the file in the AriaAutomation_DataServicesManager bundle.