Getting started with VMware Cloud services is takes only a few steps to onboard. Before you onboard a cloud service, you must learn a few basic concepts.

Here's what you need to know:

About your login account
  • To use VMware Cloud services, you need a VMware account (VMware ID). You create one by registering at VMware Customer Connect either before or during the onboarding process.
  • If your enterprise domain is federated and you are onboarding a service with your corporate account, you still need a VMware account linked to your corporate account so that you access billing information in the Organization.
  • The VMware account you use to sign in to VMware Cloud Services is referred to as your cloud services account.
About VMware Cloud Organizations
  • VMware Cloud uses Organizations to provide controlled access to one or more services.
  • You set up an Organization as part of the service onboarding process.
  • When you set up an Organization, the business address of your Organization determines the currency in which you pay for the Organization's services.
  • Your cloud services account can be associated with multiple cloud services and cloud Organizations.
  • You manage your Organization, its resources and access to services through the Cloud Services Console.
About Organization roles
  • Organization roles define the level of permissions to the Organization's resources.
  • Users of VMware Cloud Services can be assigned one of two Organization roles: an Organization Owner with full access, or an Organization Member with limited access to services and resources in the Organization.
  • Onboarding a cloud service automatically grants you Organization Owner access. Managing access to an Organization services and resources requires you to have an Organization Owner role.
  • After you complete the onboarding, you can invite users to the Organization in which you onboarded the service, and assign them Organization and service roles.
About service roles
  • VMware Cloud services come with a pre-defined built-in set of service roles that can be assigned to Organization Member users.
  • Organization Owner users grant users access to cloud services according to the roles provided by each cloud service.
About your Organization's billing
  • Paid services purchased through VMware require a billing account. The billing account is created for each Organization during the service onboarding process. It is associated with a business address, selling unit, currency, and payment method.
  • The business address you provide during service onboarding, must pass a validation check and comply with the validation rules. For more information, see What do I need to know about address validation.
  • Paid services purchased through a non-VMware seller do not require a billing account. Billing information for these services can be accessed only through the seller's billing console.
  • VMware Cloud services support the payment for services in various currencies using a credit card, funds, and promotional credits.
  • An Organization can pay with a single currency. The address of the Organization determines the selling unit. The payment currency can be either the default currency determined by the business address, or a pre-approved exception.
  • The currencies of the service subscription, the selling unit of the Organization, and the default payment method for the Organization must match.
  • Once the service onboarding is completed and your billing account is created, you cannot change the currency selected for the Organization profile. To switch to a different currency, you must file a support ticket with VMware Customer Connect.

For more information about managing your cloud services through the Cloud Services Console, see the VMware Cloud Services Console guide.

For more information about enterprise federation, see the Setting Up Enterprise Federation with VMware Cloud Services guide.