Follow the steps below to upgrade Antrea with antrea-operator on Openshift.


  1. Prepare the manifests and image (antrea-operator/antrea/antrea-interworking) with the new version.
  2. Update the role with the command oc apply -f role.yaml.
  3. Upgrade antrea-operator by replacing the old image with the new image.
    You can either edit operator.yaml or edit the deployment with the command oc -n antrea-operator edit deploy antrea-operator. Make sure that the antrea-operator pod is running.
  4. (VMware Container Networking with Antrea 1.8.0 or earlier) Upgrade Antrea and antrea-interworking.
    1. Edit antreainstall CR.
      You can either edit operator.antrea.vmware.com_v1_antreainstall_cr.yaml or run the command oc -n antrea-operator edit antreainstall antrea-install. Update antreaImage with the new image.
    2. (Optional) If antrea-interworking is enabled, update interworkingImage with the new antrea-interworking image.
    3. Apply the changes.
  5. (VMware Container Networking with Antrea 1.9.0 or later) Upgrade Antrea and antrea-interworking.
    1. Apply the new CRD.
      oc apply -f operator.antrea.vmware.com_antreainstalls_crd.yaml configured
    2. Edit operator.antrea.vmware.com_v1_antreainstall_cr.yaml and update the following fields:
      • antreaAgentImage: <Change this to Image Path>
      • antreaControllerImage: <Change this to Image Path>
    3. Trigger the upgrade.
      oc apply -f operator.antrea.vmware.com_antreainstalls_crd.yaml configured
    4. Apply the changes.
  6. Check the status.
    1. Make sure that antrea-controller and antrea-agent are running.
    2. Check the version of clusteroperator antrea with the command oc get co antrea.


    When upgrading from Antrea 1.8 to Antrea 1.9, you may encounter the following error: \"\" is invalid: [spec.conversion.strategy: Required value, spec.conversion.webhookClientConfig: Forbidden: should not be set when strategy is not set to Webhook]"
    To fix the issue, perform the following step and wait for antrea-operator to recover by itself.
    manager_index="$(kubectl get crd "" --show-managed-fields --output json | jq -r '.metadata.managedFields | map(.manager == "antrea-controller") | index(true)')" kubectl patch crd "${crd_name}" --type=json -p="[{\"op\": \"remove\", \"path\": \"/metadata/managedFields/${manager_index}\"}]"