You can run data-plane diagnostics for a Service Mesh site pair to help troubleshoot data-plane connectivity issues or to better understand connections between services for a site pair.

You run data-plane diagnostics from the Data-Plane Diagnostics tab in the Service Mesh.

If HCX detects a connection issue with any of the services deployed for the site pair, a message appears indicating that the tunnel or connection status is down or degraded.

To better understand the issue, or to help you to better understand the connection details, you can run the diagnostics at any time from the Data-Plane Diagnostics tab.

For more information, refer to Understanding Data-plane Diagnostics.

Note: As a best practice, do not run Transport Analytics while running data-plane diagnostics. Running these tests simultaneously can skew test results.


  1. From the HCX Console, navigate to Interconnect > Service Mesh > Data-Plane Diagnostics.
  2. From the Data-Plane Diagnostics tab, click Run Diagnostics.

    Running diagnostics can take several minutes. While the diagnostics tests are in progress, all Service Mesh operations are blocked.

    The Diagnostics report window appears displaying the test results for connections from each site in the site pair.

What to do next

Review the report results. For more information, refer to Viewing the Data-plane Diagnostics Report.