After you connect to a remote desktop or published application, you can use the sidebar to start other remote desktops and published applications, switch between running remote desktops and published applications, and perform other actions.

The sidebar appears on the left side of the remote desktop or published application window. To show or hide the sidebar, click the sidebar tab. You can also slide the tab up and down.

To see a list of the documents that a running published application has open, click the expander arrow next to the published application in the Running list.

Note: If you have documents open from the same published application on two different servers, the published application appears twice in the Running list in the sidebar.
Table 1. Sidebar Actions
Action Procedure
Show the sidebar When a remote desktop or published application is open, click the sidebar tab. When the sidebar is open, you can still perform actions in the remote desktop or published application window.
Hide the sidebar Click the sidebar tab.
Start a remote desktop or published application Click the name of a remote desktop or published application in the Available list in the sidebar. Remote desktops are listed first.
Search for a remote desktop or published application
  • Click in the Search box and begin typing the name of the remote desktop or published application.
  • To start a remote desktop or published application, click its name in the search results.
  • To return to the home view of the sidebar, tap the X in the search box.
Create a list of favorite remote desktops or published applications Click the gray star next to the name of the remote desktop or published application in the Available list in the sidebar. You can then click the Show Favorites toolbar button (star icon) next to Available to show a list of only favorites.
Switch between remote desktops or published applications Click the remote desktop or published application name in the Running list in the sidebar.
Enable multi-session mode for published applications Click the Open Menu button in the sidebar, click Settings, and scroll down to the Multi-Launch setting. For more information, see Use Multiple Sessions of a Published Application From Different Client Devices.
Open the Copy & Paste panel Click the Copy & Paste button at the top of the sidebar. Use this button for copying text to and from applications on your local client system. For more information, see Copying and Pasting Text. On iOS Safari, this button is not available because the copy and paste feature is not supported.
Open the File Transfer window To download files from, or upload files to, a remote desktop or published application, click the File Transfer button at the top of the sidebar. For more information, see Download Files From a Remote Desktop or Published Application to the Client System and Upload Files From the Client System to a Remote Desktop or Published Application.
Enable Command-A, Command-C, Command-V, and Command-X This option appears in the Settings window only if you are using a Mac. Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and then click Settings. When this feature is enabled, the Command key on the Mac is mapped to the Ctrl key on the remote Windows desktop or application. For example, pressing Command-A on a Mac keyboard is the same as pressing Ctrl+A on the remote Windows desktop or application.
Close a running remote desktop Click the Open Menu button next to the remote desktop name in the Running list in the sidebar and select an action.
  • Select Close to disconnect from the remote desktop without logging off from its operating system. An administrator can configure a remote desktop to log out automatically when disconnected. In that case, unsaved changes in open applications are lost.
  • Select Log off to log out from the operating system and disconnect from the remote desktop. Any unsaved changes in open applications are lost.
Close a running published application Click the X next to the filename under the published application name in the Running list in the sidebar. Click the X next to the published application name to quit the published application and close all open files for that published application.

You are prompted to save changes made to the files.

Reset a remote desktop Click the Open Menu button next to the remote desktop name in the Running list in the sidebar and select Reset. Any files that are open on the remote desktop are closed without being saved first. You can reset a remote desktop only if an administrator has enabled this feature.
Restart a remote desktop Click the Open Menu button next to the remote desktop name in the Running list in the sidebar and select Restart. The remote desktop operating system usually prompts you to save any unsaved data before it restarts. You can restart a remote desktop only if an administrator has enabled this feature.
Reset all running published applications Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar, click Settings, and click Reset all your running applications. All unsaved changes are lost.
Use key combinations that include the Windows key Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar, click Settings, and turn on Enable Windows Key for Desktops. For more information, see Shortcut Key Combinations.
Send Ctrl+Alt+Del to current work area Click the Send Ctrl+Alt+Del toolbar button at the top of the sidebar.
Disconnect from a server Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click Log out.
Use high-resolution mode on machines that have a high-resolution display, such as Retina Macbook Pro Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar, click Settings, and turn on High Resolution Mode.
Allow H.264 decoding (Chrome only) Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar, click Settings, and turn on Allow H.264 decoding. For more information, see Allowing H.264 Decoding.
Use multiple monitors (Chrome version 55 or later only) Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and select Display Settings. For more information, see Using Multiple Monitors.
Call out or close the soft keyboard Click the keyboard icon at the top of the sidebar. You can also call out or close the soft keyboard by tapping the screen with three fingers.
Switch between touch modes

(Mobile devices only) Tap the touch mode icon at the top of the sidebar. The icon changes appearance to indicate the current touch mode.

By default, HTML Access uses native touch mode (fingertip icon). Tap the icon to switch to trackpad touch mode (trackpad icon). For more information, see Gestures in Native Touch Mode and Gestures in Trackpad Touch Mode.

Show help topics Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar, click Settings, and click Help. You can also click the Horizon logo at the top of the sidebar and click Help.
Show help for touch gestures (Mobile devices only) Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click Gesture Help.
Show the About VMware Horizon Client dialog box Click the Open Menu toolbar button or the Horizon logo at the top of the sidebar and click About. You can also click the Horizon logo at the top of the sidebar.
Display a remote desktop or published application in full-screen mode Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click Fullscreen.
Exit from full-screen mode Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click Quit fullscreen.
Send Esc to a remote desktop or published application when in full-screen mode Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click Send ESC.
Redirect USB devices Click the Open Menu toolbar button at the top of the sidebar and click USB. For more information, see Use USB Devices in a Remote Desktop.