You use the command options of the lmvutil command to specify the operation to perform. All options are preceded by two hyphens (--).

For lmvutil command authentication options, see lmvutil Command Authentication in a Cloud Pod Architecture environment.

Table 1. lmvutil Command Options
Option Description
--activatePendingCertificate Activates a pending SSL certificate. See Activating a Pending Certificate with the lmvutil Command.
--addGroupEntitlement Associates a user group with a global entitlement. See Adding a User or Group to a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--addPoolAssociation Associates a desktop pool with a global desktop entitlement or an application pool with a global application entitlement. See Adding a Pool to a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--addUserEntitlement Associates a user with a global entitlement. See Adding a User or Group to a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command
--assignPodToSite Assigns a pod to a site. See Assigning a Pod to a Cloud Pod Architecture Site with the lmvutil Command.
--createGlobalApplicationEntitlement Creates a global application entitlement. See Creating a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--createGlobalEntitlement Creates a global desktop entitlement. See Creating a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--createSite Creates a site. See Creating Cloud Pod Architecture Sites with the lmvutil Command.
--createGroupHomeSite Associates a user group with a home site. See Configuring a Home Site with the lmvutil Command.
--createPendingCertificate Creates a pending SSL certificate. See Creating a Pending SSL Certificate with the lmvutil Command.
--createUserHomeSite Associates a user with a home site. See Configuring a Home Site with the lmvutil Command.
--deleteGlobalApplicationEntitlement Deletes a global application entitlement. See Deleting a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--deleteGlobalEntitlement Deletes a global deskop entitlement. See Deleting a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--deleteSite Deletes a site. See Deleting a Cloud Pod Architecture Site with the lmvutil Command.
--deleteGroupHomeSite Removes the association between a user group and a home site. See Deleting a Home Site with the lmvutil Command.
--deleteUserHomeSite Removes the association between a user and a home site. See Deleting a Home Site with the lmvutil Command.
--editSite Modifies the name or description of a site. See Changing a Cloud Pod Architecture Site Name or Description with the lmvutil Command.
--ejectPod Removes an unavailable pod from a pod federation. See Removing a Pod from a Pod Federation with the lmvutil Command.
--help Lists the lmvutil command options.
--initialize Initializes the Cloud Pod Architecture feature. See Initializing the Cloud Pod Architecture Feature in Horizon 8.
--join Joins a pod to a pod federation. See Joining a Pod to the Pod Federation with the lmvutil Command.
--listAssociatedPools Lists the desktop pools that are associated with a global desktop entitlement or the application pools that are associated with a global application entitlement. See Listing the Pools in a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--listEntitlements Lists associations between users or user groups and global entitlements. Listing the Users or Groups in a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--listGlobalApplicationEntitlements Lists all global application entitlements. See Listing Global Entitlement Details with the lmvutil Command.
--listGlobalEntitlements Lists all global desktop entitlements. See Listing Global Entitlement Details with the lmvutil Command.
--listPods Lists the pods in a Cloud Pod Architecture topology. See Listing the Pods or Sites in a Cloud Pod Architecture Topology with the lmvutil Command.
--listSites Lists the sites in a Cloud Pod Architecture topology. See Listing the Pods or Sites in a Cloud Pod Architecture Topology with the lmvutil Command.
--listUserAssignments Lists the dedicated desktop pod assignments for a user and global entitlement combination. See Listing Dedicated Desktop Pool Assignments with the lmvutil Command.
--removePoolAssociation Removes the association between a desktop pool and a global entitlement. See Removing a Pool from a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--resolveUserHomeSite Shows the effective home site for a user. See Listing the Effective Home Site for a User with the lmvutil Command.
--removeGroupEntitlement Removes a user group from a global entitlement. See Removing a User or Group from a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--removeUserEntitlement Removes a user from a global entitlement. See Removing a User or Group from a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--showGroupHomeSites Shows all of the home sites for a group. See Listing the Home Sites for a User or Group with the lmvutil Command.
--showUserHomeSites Shows all of the home sites for a user. See Listing the Home Sites for a User or Group with the lmvutil Command.
--uninitialize Deactivates the Cloud Pod Architecture feature. See Deactivating the Cloud Pod Architecture Feature in Horizon 8.
--unjoin Removes an available pod from a pod federation. See Removing a Pod from a Pod Federation with the lmvutil Command.
--updateGlobalApplicationEntitlement Modifes a global application entitlement. See Modifying a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--updateGlobalEntitlement Modifies a global desktop entitlement. See Modifying a Global Entitlement with the lmvutil Command.
--updatePod Modifies the name or description of a pod. See Changing a Pod Name or Description with the lmvutil Command.
--verbose Activates verbose logging. You can add this option to any other option to obtain detailed command output. The lmvutil command writes to standard output.