Welcome to the VMware® Lab Platform™ (formerly known as VMware Learning Platform) documentation. VMware Lab Platform is a SaaS platform that delivers hands-on virtual IT labs to anyone on the planet at cloud scale. Using the documentation, you can create, manage, and deliver IT labs for self-paced, on-demand training, instructor-led training, and live lab events.

To browse through the documentation for VMware Lab Platform, use the content navigation on the left-side of the page. We update the online documentation with the latest features and release information. All our documentation also comes in PDF format, which you can access by selecting the PDF download icon while reading a page or viewing a search result.

Ready to get started?

With VMware Lab Platform you deliver your own content to anyone no matter where they are. Before you begin, see our Getting Started with VMware Lab Platform Guide.

Learn how to build and deliver labs, brand your end-user lab interface, and other administrator tasks in the VMware Lab Platform Administrator Guide.

Develop lab manuals or import other technical content into VMware Lab Platform with the VMware Lab Platform Content Engine Guide.

Are you an instructor? To learn how to use the instructor console to monitor a class, see the VMware Lab Platform Instructor Guide.

Event Management allows administrators, proctors, and help-desk staff to manage lab station registration, seating maps, and help requests at events. To learn how to access and navigate the event management interface, see the VMware Lab Platform Event Management Guide.

Do you want to take an instructional lab, learn how to access labs available to you, run them, and customize your experience? See the VMware Lab Platform User Guide, which describes the self-education lab and course management tools.

Do you want to integrate VMware Lab Platform with a Learning Management System? See Working with Third-Party Learning Applications.

Are you ready to experience the VMware Lab Platform?

You can sign up for the VMware Lab Platform service, and explore other information at VMware Lab Platform.

Other Resources

Use the following resources for courses, videos, and discussion forums to learn more about VMware Lab Platform.