To add an authentication provider in VMware Lab Platform:


Ensure that the default authentication provider that you want to use for your logins is added in the Portal Settings > Configurations > General Options > defaultAuthenticationProvider settings.


  1. From the navigation panel, click Users & Groups > Authentication Providers > Create New.

    The Create Authentication Provider form is displayed.

  2. Enter the required details and the OpenID configuration URL for the authentication provider in the Create Provider form.
    Option Description


    Enter a name for your authentication provider. This same name will be displayed when logging in the Administrator user interface.


    If you activate this option, this authentication provider option will be visible to users on the login page.

    Client ID

    Enter the authentication provider client ID.

    Client secret

    Enter the client secret of your authentication provider.

    Open ID Configuration URL

    Enter the authentication provider's open ID connection URL.


    Add the scope values supported by the authentication provider. For example, profile, email, address, and Open ID.

    First Name Claim

    Enter a value for the 'First Name' claim. The value of this claim is mapped to the user accounts' first name.

    Last Name Claim

    Enter a value for the 'Last Name' claim. The value of this claim is mapped to the user accounts' last name.

    Company Claim

    (Optional) Add company's name. If left blank, the default value, 'Unknown' is used.

  3. Click Create Provider.


All the authentication providers associated with your account are listed in the Authentication Providers page. For more information on the settings for authentication providers, see the Working with Settings topic.