With the Portal Settings option, you can customize your VMware Lab Platform environment and activate actions for per-role or per-lab basis. To work with these settings, you must have the administrator role privileges.

You edit settings from the Portal Settings > Configuration page.




Administrative Contact

Email address of the person in your organization assigned to act as your administrative contact. Manually enter the email address or you can select the email address from the drop-down of user email addresses.

Allow all users to see content creator credentials

To enable the setting, select the check box.

Cost Center

To identify your cost center, assign a value, if applicable.

Technical Contact

The email address of the person in your organization assigned to act as your technical contact. You can select an email address from the drop-down menu of user email addresses.

Display Name For Tenant

Name of the organization that VMware Lab Platform displays in the user interfaces.

AWS S3 Integration

You can add and configure their own instance of the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) with VMware Lab Platform.




Enter the AWS API key to use with VMware Lab Platform for AWS API authentication. By default, the value is empty.

AWS API Secret

Enter the AWS API secret to be used with the AWS API key. By default, the value is empty.

AWS Bucket Enabled

When activated, the AWS S3 options to import and export templates is added to the Lab Templates page. By default, the awsBucketEnabled setting is deactivated.

For more information on the Export to S3 feature, see Edit a Lab Template with the Lab Builder.

AWS Bucket Name

Enter the AWS Bucket name. By default, the value is empty.

AWS Bucket Prefix

Enter the prefix value for the AWS Bucket.

AWS Bucket Role

Enter the Bucket's AWS role.

AWS Role Arn

Enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with access to the Bucket.

Send all the mails for tenant via Amazon SES

Support Chat



Live Chat

Activate or deactivate the Live Chat setting. If activated, an end user taking a lab can select Help > Live Chat to open a window to chat with the support staff.

Live Chat URL

Specifies a default URL to use for live chat. You can override this URL for an individual lab from Labs > Update Settings.

Console Interface



Allow Console Resizing

If activated, a lab user can manually resize the lab console.

Compact Panel Tabs

Activate or deactivate. When this option is activated, the manual toolbar option and VM console tabs are moved on the top of the console. To view the console panel tabs, click the Arrow icon icon . To view the manual panel tabs, click the Backward arrow icon icon.

Console Connection Monitoring

Activate or deactivates console connection monitoring.

Default Console Location

Select from right, left, center, or maximized from the drop-down menu. When you select the maximized option, and enable the Maximize Console on Fullscreen option, the console size along with the browser is maximized.

Show 'Shortcut Keys' button on Lab Console

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the SHORTCUT KEYS button is displayed on the user console that prompts keyboard quick access keys. This option replaces the CTRL+ALT+DEL buttons.

Compact Panel Tabs when Maximized

Activate or deactivate. When this option is activated along with the Maximize Console on Fullscreen option, the manual toolbar option and VM Console tabs are moved on the top of the console.

To view the console panel tabs, click the Arrow icon icon . To view the manual panel tabs, click the Backward arrow icon icon.

Maximize Console on Fullscreen

Activate or deactivate. When activated, maximizes the console screen to full screen of the device.


Ensure that the Default Console Location is selected as maximized.

Delay for redirecting to ScreenSaver after it's turned on

Sets the time to wait before redirecting a console screen to a screen saver.

Delay before starting ScreenSaver on station

Sets the time to wait before starting a screen saver on a station in a lab.

Show Lab's console header buttons

Activate or deactivate. When activated, console buttons are visible on the console header.

Show Console Connection Strength

When activated, the console connection strength indicator is displayed in the end-user interface. If this option is deactivated, the console connection latency data is recorded and can be viewed from the administrator interface.

Show 'Notes' button on Lab Console

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Notes option is available in the lab console.

Show network information in VM notes tab in Lab Console

When activated, shows network information in VM notes.

Custom Messages

You can replace the default content of lab messages with your own content. For example, for Lab Submitted for Grading, the default is Thank you for taking this lab. An instructor will grade your lab. You might change the default to Your lab will soon be graded. You can use the Custom Messages section to customize the messages sent by the labs of the current organization. To do so, highlight the message content, and click the edit symbol that appears.


For Error Message For Maximum Allowed Entitlement Reached, the system replaces the token strings {maxAllowed} and {current} with the number of active and current entitlements.

Example: the system might return the message Only four concurrent enrollments are allowed for this lab and four enrollments already exist. You can set the values for {maxAllowed} and {current} within the User Hard Cap section.

Message Type

Message Content

Class no more seats available message

Cannot enroll in a class because all the available seats are filled.

Lab Submitted For Grading Message

Thank you for taking this lab. Your lab has been submitted for grading by an instructor.

Lab Completed Message

Thank you for taking this lab. We hope you enjoyed your experience. Please go back to the home page to select another course or lab to take.

Lab Completed Title

Lab successfully completed!

Lab Submitted For Grading Title

Lab submitted for grading!

Lab Completion Criteria Not Met

Lab Completion Criteria Not Met (Graded Labs)

Lab End Message When Exit Allowed

Caution! Once you end the lab, you will not be able to return. If you would like to exit so you can return to the lab at a later time, please choose to Exit the lab instead. Are you sure you want to end this lab?

Lab End Message When Exit Not Allowed

Caution! Once you end the lab, you will not be able to return. Are you sure you want to end this lab ?

Lab End Title

Are you sure you want to end this Lab?

Lab Exit Message When VMs will be powered down

Caution! Your servers will be powered down when you exit the lab. Any unsaved work will be lost. You can return to finish the lab at a later time with any saved work. Are you sure you want to exit this lab?

Lab Exit Message When VMs will not be powered down

You are about to leave this lab. You can return to finish at a later time, your VMs will remain in a running state, but you should save any unsaved work. Are you sure you want to exit this lab?

Lab Exit Title

Are you sure you want to exit this lab?

Lab Reset Confirmation

Are you sure you want to reset this lab?

Lab Reset Message

If you reset this lab, all VMs will be restored to their original state. You will not be able to recover any work you have done, so you will need repeat it. Only reset this lab if you are having unrecoverable issues.

Lab Reset Title

Are you sure you want to reset?

Lab Reset Warning


Error message for maximum allowed entitlement reached

Only {maxAllowed} concurrent enrollments are allowed for this lab and {current} enrollments already exist.

Show/Hide VMware Lab Platform in beta message

Activate or deactivate.




Allow assignment while deploying

Activate or deactivate the assignment of cloud resources before those resources are fully enabled. When enabled, the system assigns a still deploying prepop rather than waiting for an on-demand prepop. The result is a faster start time for labs in cases where fully provisioned cloud resources are not available.

Name of default prepop assignment algorithm

Select the algorithm the system uses to assign prepops after an end user starts a lab. This assignment algorithm selection is the first step of a two-step process during which the system assigns available prepops from a specific vDC. The second step is the Name of Default Prepop Assignment Preference. You can override this selected customer account-wide algorithm for a particular lab template using the Edit Template setting. The prepop assignment algorithms are as follows:

  • VMware Lab Platform Assignment Algorithm: This is the default algorithm. It selects a prepop from any available vDC based solely upon the preference setting.

  • Most Available Prepops Sets a preference for the vDC having the most available prepops.

  • Most Available Prepops for the Template Sets a preference for the vCD having the most prepops deployed from the template being used in the assignment.

  • Most Deployments Sets a preference for the vDC having the most deployments. This deployment preference includes both prepop and assigned vApps.

  • Most Deployments of the Given Template Sets a preference for the vDC having the most deployments. This deployment preference includes both prepops and assigned vApps of the lab templates being used.

Name of default prepop assignment preference

Selects a prepop preference if there are multiple prepops available in the assigned vDC. This prepop preference is the second step of a two-step process. The first step is the prepop assignment algorithm selection. You can override this selected customer account-wide preference for a particular lab template using the Edit Template setting. The following preferences are supported:

  • Prefer Older: Sets a preference for the older prepops (the older the prepop, the stronger the preference).

  • Prefer Newer: Sets a preference for the newer prepops (the newer the prepop, the stronger the preference).

  • No Preference: Sets a preference randomly.

Name of default prepop placement algorithm

Select the algorithm the system uses to place new prepop deployments in cases where a template is available in multiple vDCs. The system does not apply the selected algorithm to on-demand deployments. The algorithm you select is applied on a customer account-wide basis. You can override the selected customer account-wide algorithm for a particular lab template using the Edit Template setting.

Changing the default placement algorithm is not a best practice. The VMware Lab Platform Default Placement Algorithm is designed to offer a balanced use of available resources. The default value is VMware Lab Platform Placement Algorithm.


All algorithms ignore vDCs that have exceeded their configured hard-limits for availability and avoid vDCs that have exceeded their soft-limits.The system can still select these vDCs with a reduced frequency.

  • VMware Lab Platform Default Placement Algorithm: This is the default. It attempts to balance distributions across all available vDCs. This algorithm presumes that if a vDC is available and can be used, then the system uses it. This algorithm does not use a “balancing step” to ensure equal load upon all vDCs in the near term. Instead, this algorithm leaves balancing as a side-effect of the way the system assigns prepops, which leads to a balanced use of available resources.

  • Equal By Deployed Template Count Algorithm: Attempts to have an equal number of vApps for the given template deployed in each vDC in which the template is available. This algorithm does not consider differences in resource availability in the vDCs (other than hard and soft limits) and aims only for equal numbers of deployments. This algorithm considers only the number of deployments that use the templates being used in the placement.

  • Equal By Deployment Count Algorithm: Attempts to have an equal number of vApps deployed in each vDC based solely on the count of deployments regardless of the actual resource usage of different types of vApp. This algorithm does not consider differences in resource availability in the vDCs (other than hard and soft limits) and aims only for equal numbers of deployments. This algorithm considers the total number of deployments in the vDC.

  • Equal By Resource Utilization Algorithm Attempts to distribute deployments across vDCs so that the relative resource utilization of vDCs is equal. While the system assigns more deployments to vDCs with more available resources than clouds with fewer resources available, the proportional resource utilization is similar.

Max amount of queued VDC tasks before ignoring location preference

The maximum number of queued tasks for a virtual data center. If the virtual data center surpasses this option value, labs are deployed from a different virtual data center that might be in a different location.

Enable Optimized Deployment Pool Usage

By default this option is activated.

When activated, you cannot access the Deployment Pool menu option from the main navigation panel, and you need to manage your prepops on the template level in the Lab Templates page. In the Lab Builder, you can directly choose the lab template instead of deployment pools.

Daily Report for Prepop Hits and Misses

If activated, a daily report of number of prepopulated lab templates (prepop) successfully deployed is sent to you.

Enforce network wiring from metadata only

If activated the setting at account level, the deployment of prepop will not connect the cloud org virtual data center network to a vApp.

If deactivated, the deployment of prepop will connect through the network settings defined in the metadata.

Explicitly ready prepops

If activated, provides the Explicitly Ready Prepops option in the Deployment Poolpage. When activated for a specific deployment pool, prepopulated lab templates must be explicitly marked as available after they are powered on.

Prepop Hit/Miss Rate Period (In Hours)

The View Deployment Pool page lists details of the selected deployment pool.

One of the details is “Hit”. A “hit” means that a user got a prepop when they requested. A “miss” means that the user got a full deployment of a lab and probably had to wait for a long time. Hit Rate Period specifies the number of hours for the hit rate calculation displayed in the Deployment Pool details.

Changing the hit rate period only updates the values shown on the Deployment Pool details but the system does not actually make any substantive changes.

Maximum prepops per template

Maximum prepops that can be deployed for a template.

Prefer own cloud (BYOC) for Labs with hybrid setup

Activate or deactivate. When activated, if a user is using two clouds; their own and VMware Lab Platform cloud, then the own cloud is used instead of the VMware Lab Platform cloud.

Query size for prepop assignment

VMware Lab Platform assigns the oldest available prepop first. Once the system has found all the prepops it might assign when a user starts a lab, it can then order them by their creation date and assigns the oldest one first. The Query size for prepop assignment setting adds some randomness to this process by finding the available prepops, ordering them by their creation date, and then assigning one by selecting one at random from the oldest range of prepops. This oldest range is the query size for the prepop assignment value you specify.

Select a cloud by user's location

If activated, the system picks a prepopulated lab, or creates a lab deployment, that is closer to the user's location.


The Select a cloud by user's location setting works only when:

  • Your VMware Lab Platform organization account has multiple cloud regions.

  • Location information for the user account is configured.

In a multi-cloud environment, when a deployment pool has templates in clouds located in different regions, users will receive a deployed lab that is in the same region or that is closer to the user's location.

For example; if an organization account has two clouds, in two different regions (one in the USA and another one in EU). Lab (L1) that points to deployment pool 1 (DP1). DP1 has two lab templates —T1 (located in the USA cloud) and T2 (located in the EU cloud). Now when you activate the portal setting Select a cloud by user's location, and a user starts a lab, VMware Lab Platform takes the account’s location field and looks for a prepop in that location, or deploys a new lab to the cloud that is closer to the user. If the account’s location is set to EU, and user starts lab L1 and the system checks if the template T2 has prepops, and assigns one prepop for the entitlement.

For information on how to add user location and address, see Create a user account in VMware Lab Platform.

Explicitly Ready Prepops

Enable to turn on the assignment of VM scripts to a VM in deployment pools.


Entitlements refer to lab time limits and lab valid periods. A Time limit is the amount of time, in hours, users get to work on a lab. A valid period is the amount of time a lab stays active.



Enforce Extension Limit For Proctor

If activated, then the specified Maximum Extension Times also applies to proctors.

Activated proctor users cannot extend entitlements beyond the number specified in the Maximum Extension Times setting.

When this setting is deactivated, proctors can extend entitlements any number of times.

Max number of concurrent entitlements per user

Limits each user to a maximum about how many entitlements (labs) can be taken concurrently. This setting lets you to manage large online events where concurrent users can often increase quickly and greatly.

Max number of concurrent entitlements per user per lab

Limits each user to a maximum concerning multiple entitlements to the same lab. This setting lets you to manage a student during certification. For example, a student can take a lab, end it and, while the lab is in “awaiting grade status,” enroll and take the lab again.


The values you enter for the Max Number of Concurrent Entitlements per User setting and the Max Number of Concurrent Entitlements per User per Lab setting can affect a lab message.

The Custom Message section includes a lab message setting called Error message for maximum allowed entitlement reached. The message includes the strings {maxAllowed} and {current}. The system replaces those strings with the values set in the Entitlements section. For example, the system can return the message Only 4 concurrent enrollments are allowed for this lab and 4 enrollments already exist.

Maximum Number of Extensions

Sets a maximum number of times lab users can extend the time remaining for a lab. For example, a value of five means that lab users cannot extend a lab’s “time remaining” more than five times.

Time Extended Per Request

Sets a value, in minutes, by which a lab’s time remaining is extended each time a user clicks Extend. For example, a value of two means the lab’s “time remaining” is extend by two minutes each time a user clicks Extend.

Time Extension Enabled

If activated, then the lab console displays the Extend setting to the lab user.

Time Remaining to Show Danger Prompt

Sets a time value (for example, one minute) for the lab console to display a lab “time remaining” danger prompt.

Time Remaining to Show Warning Prompt

Sets a time value (for example, three minutes) for the lab console to display a lab “time remaining” warning prompt.

Event Mode

Includes settings to manage credits, event statistics, and other event parameters.



Allow users to log in without providing a password

Activate or deactivate a password-free login for end-user interface. If this option is activated, end users can login the user interface without a password.

Limit concurrent Entitlements

Limits the number of concurrent entitlements a user can have.

Event Credit Check Enabled

Activate or deactivate credit check.

Event Dashboard Content Cycle time (in milliseconds)

At events, you can provide a dashboard that lists statistics. The dashboard is somewhat like a slide show on a continuous loop. Cycle time refers to much time each slide stays up on the dashboard before going to the next slide.

Enable Slack Integration

Activate or deactivate the Slack integration with theVMware Proctor application. When the Enable Slack Integration option is activated, and a client Slack channel URL is provided in the Slack Integration URL setting, student help requests are relayed in the client Slack channel.

Event Mode Enabled

When activated, the Event Management menu is displayed in the side navigation panel on the administrator UI.

Allows multiple settings, including seating assignments, dashboard updates for statistics and proctor information, and checks for assigning course credit.

Event Client Content Cycle Time (in milliseconds)

Similar to dashboard cycle time but refers to a slideshow that acts as a screensaver on station desktops.

  • Lanyon API Token

  • Lanyon HOL Token

  • Lanyon API URL (include http/https)

The Lanyon settings are for badge scanning at events where registration is provided by the Lanyon events registration company. If you want to use the badge-scanning feature, contact the VMware Lab Platform staff.

Time to Live for Credits (in seconds)

Credits issued to a user are valid for a limited time before they expire.

Max Station Token Time (in minutes)

At events, VMware Lab Platform staff provides several desktops attendees can sit down and use. These desktops are known as stations. When the VMware Lab Platform staff registers a station, it gets a unique seat number associated with it and a cookie to identify which station it is. The token time specifies the length of time the cookie is valid before it times out and prevents anyone from potentially stealing the cookie and using it on their own machine.

Number of credits granted to a user from single scan

Specifies the number of credits VMware Lab Platform grants when an end user’s badge is scanned. At an event, customers who want to take a lab have their badges scanned. The scanner application sends a request to VMware Lab Platform to add the specified number of credits to the user’s account.

One Time Password Length

Number of characters for a one-time password. When an administrator first creates a user in VMware Lab Platform, the account must be verified. Normally, this is done by sending an email to the user with a verification link. At events, this practice can become problematic because many users might not access their email. To address this problem, VMware Lab Platform creates a random one-time password for the user (for example, 98fds788). The VMware Lab Platform staff then prints the one-time password on the badges for the event so users have a known, good password, which one can use to log in the first time. After the first login, VMware Lab Platform prompts the user to set security questions and change the user's password.

Treat Proctors as Normal Users

Activate or deactivate allowing an event proctor to be treated by the system as a normal user.

  • Rainfocus API Profile ID

  • Rainfocus API Widget ID

  • Rainfocus API URL (include http/https)

Fields let you integrate VMware Lab Platform with the Rainfocus application. Rainfocus is an event performance management platform designed to help improve the event experience for exhibitors, vendors, and attendees.

Enable Roost Notification

Activate or deactivate the Roost notification application. Roost is used by the Event Proctor application. The Event Proctor application is a VMware Lab Platform application that runs on mobile devices. The application provides a convenient way for a proctor to move about the event floor and efficiently respond to help requests from students taking labs.

Slack Integration URL

Enter the client Slack URL to use in the VMware Proctor application.

Event Statistics

These settings are used to collect event statistics that can be displayed during an event.



Show All Historical Labs (Stats Display)

Activate or deactivate the historical labs display.

Event Statistics Display Start Date


Max Active Lab (Stats Display)

Maximum number of active labs to display.

Max Completed Lab (Stats Display)

Maximum number of completed labs to display.

Max Popular Labs Shown (Stats Display)

Maximum number of popular labs to display in the Show Popular Labs widget dashboard.

Max Active VM (Stats Display)

Maximum number of active virtual machines to display.

Max Completed VM (Stats Display)

Maximum number of completed virtual machines to display.

Show Popular Labs

Enable this setting to add the Show Popular Labswidget in the dashboard.

Started Labs Only (Stats Display)

Activate or deactivate started labs.




"Exam Result" email body

The text content of an email that is sent the trainee or student who is taking an exam.

"Exam Result" email title

The title of the email that is sent to the trainee or student who is taking an exam.

Time (ms) to keep the vAPP of an exam that failed grading

Specifies the time to keep the vAPP of an exam that failed the automatic grading.

Time (ms) to keep the vApp of a failed exam

Specifies the time to keep the vAPP of an exam that failed.

Time (ms) to keep the vApp of a successful exam

Specifies the time to keep the vAPP of a successful exam.

General Options



Acquire Console Failure Notification

This option is activated by default. A notification is sent when a VM cannot connect to its console view. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, another attempt is made after 10 minutes - meaning that if a notification for a specific VM has already been sent, another notification will be sent after 10 minutes of the previous notification.

Allow uploading screenshot in lab

Lets a user to upload screenshot in a lab.

Self Registration

Lets a user to self register for a class. When enabled, a self registration option is available for users in the end-user interface to register for a class.

Students can use the self registration link and sign up or login to the class with the configured SSO authentication method.

Allow Student SSO Login

Lets administrators to provide a non-local authentication provider to users to login to the end-user interface. If the Allow Student SSO Login option is activated, students/end users can log in to the VMware Lab Platform user interface using a SSO authentication provider configured by the account administrator.

  • To use only the SSO authentication provider option for a user login, activate both the Allow Student SSO Login and the Disable Student Local Provider Login setting options.

  • If both the Allow Student SSO Login and Disable Student Local Provider Login settings are deactivated, the default VMware Lab Platform login option is provided in the user interface login page.

  • To deactivate the direct login option, deactivate the Allow Student SSO Login option, and activate the Disable Student Local Provider Login setting option.

For more information on how to add an authentication provider for a user, see Working with an Authentication Provider for Single Sign-on.

Default tenant group for anonymous users

Add/remove groups for an anonymous user.

Duration of inactivity after which an anonymous an account would be deleted

Specifies the inactivity time duration for an anonymous user after which the user is deleted from the system.

Enable audit history

Activate or deactivate the audit history feature.

Auto run compatibility checker when user starts the lab

If activated, when a user starts a lab, the system prompts the user to select whether to run a compatibility check. When run, the compatibility check shows and saves a report.

Compatibility Check Bandwidth/Latency

If activated, the Compatibility Check page shows student's bandwidth and latency for the student interface.

Compatibility Check Pop-ups

If activated, check Compatibility Check page to check if the student's browser allows pop-ups for the student interface. This check is useful when a manual or other content require a popup to function.

Compatibility Check Proxy

Activate or deactivate the Compatibility check proxy feature. On the Compatibility Check page, check if the student is connecting to the student interface behind a web proxy.

Compatibility Check Resolution

On the Compatibility check page, check student's current browser size and settings. This check is useful if your lab requires a certain amount of screen space to be used.

Compatibility Check Resolution Minimum Height

Set the minimum browser window size height that is required for passing the resolution compatibility check.

Compatibility Check Resolution Minimum Width

Set the minimum browser window size width that is required for passing the resolution compatibility check.


Add your default authentication provider for user logins. By default, the LOCAL provider is selected.

Default Wizard Input Style

Sets the wizard page layout. You can choose the option from the drop-down menu.

Seconds to wait before deleting an expired vApp

Sets the amount of time the account keeps expired entitlements and vApps.

Delete prepops in error state after specified hours

Deletes a prepop in an error state based on the value set in the Delete prepops in error state after specified option. 24 hours is the default value. To deactivate this option, set the value as 0.

Delete non-prepop vApps in error state after specified hours

Deletes a non-prepop vAPP that is in error state based on the value set in the Delete non-prepop vapps in error state after specified hours option. 24 hours is the default value. To deactivate this option, set the value as 0.

Disable Student Local Provider Login

Lets administrators to deactivate an authentication provider option from the end-user interface login page. If the Disable Student Local Provider Login option is selected, the SSO authentication provider option in the end-user interface is deactivated (unavailable). A remote SSO authentication provider must be configured to allow students/end users to login to the end-user interface.

  • To use only the SSO authentication provider option for a user login, activate both the Allow Student SSO Login and the Disable Student Local Provider Login setting options.

  • If both the Allow Student SSO Login and Disable Student Local Provider Login settings are deactivated, the default VMware Lab Platform login option is provided in the end-user interface login page.

  • To deactivate the direct login option, deactivate the Allow Student SSO Login option, and activate the Disable Student Local Provider Login setting option.

For more information on how to add an authentication provider for a user, see Working with an Authentication Provider for Single Sign-on.

Enable Anonymous User Lab access

Activate, or deactivate the create anonymous user feature in Create Entitlement page. Default is false.

Enable CSP SaaS Labs (Orgs and user creation in CSP)

Allows for creation of lab environments in VMware Cloud Services Provider (org and user). After the environment is ready, the lab loads a SaaS console of the VMware Cloud Services Provider environment.

Enable Granular Permission

Activates granular permission setting for roles and permissions.

Create cloud org VDCs and cloud OVDC catalogs with preshadow enabled

Preshadow is enabled by default when creating org vDCs or org vDC catalogs.

Enable Test Drive Integration

Enable Tracking Code for Classes

When activated, the tracking ID feature option is added in the Classes wizard. You can track entitlements for classes using the tracking ID feature in the Classes wizard.


You cannot modify the tracking code once a class is started.

End Entitlements when Class ends

If activated, ends the entitlement after the class ends.

Minimum time between notifications about slow callbacks

Sets the minimum time between VMware Lab Platform notifications about slow callbacks.

Intercom Identity Verification Secret

Max classes result on "Add Entitlement to Class" modal

Specifies the maximum number of loaded classes in the “Add Entitlement to Class” modal on the Entitlements list page.

Send networking configuration error notifications on vApp network setup

Sends dashboard notification if there are any network configuration issues for a vApp in the VMware Cloud Director.

Days after which a user can re-rate a lab

Sets the rating period per account. During this period, an end user cannot rate a lab again. For example, if set to 10 days and an end user rates a lab, then the end user cannot rate the same lab again during the next 10 days.

Send notifications for unused running vApps after specified hours of inactivity

Sets the time value after which notifications are sent for unused running vApps. The default value is 0 and the option is deactivated. To enable the notification setting, set any value higher than 0.

Length of verification token and URLs

A numerical value (minimum is 10 and maximum is 100) that specifies the length of the short strings that the system uses.

A short string is a randomly generated string the system uses in place of longer strings. The system uses a shortened string value for verification tokens and URLs when the long string is difficult to type or copy. A short string is much easier for the system to handle but must be unique within the application. The Length of Shortened Strings setting specifies the length of the generated short string and has a default value of 12. For accounts with a large user-base, you might have to increase the length of this string to ensure the uniqueness of the generated strings. The system does not strictly enforce the minimum and maximum values but values outside the valid range are moved to the closest limit when the value is used.

Minutes before verification tokens and URLs become invalid

Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that the short token string is valid for. After this time, the system expires the shortened string and the long token string also cannot be used. The default value represents one day. You can increase the default value to give users more time to validate their accounts. The verification tokens and URLs are sent to users in account verification emails.

Enable New Lab Wizard

If activated, provides a simple and easy to use lab creation form that lists only the required fields for a lab. This option is useful when administrators want to create a quick lab. For advanced lab creation options, deactivate the Enable New Lab Wizard option.

User Idle Count Down

Time in hours, minutes, and seconds after which VMware Lab Platform pauses the end user's lab due to exceeding the countdown.

User Idle Delay

Time in hours, minutes, and seconds to delay pausing a lab due to exceeding the user idle countdown.


Class and Instructor Options



Allow instructors to clone vApps

Lets instructors to the clone vApps from the Update class > Manage Entitlements page.

Allow instructors to create and edit class

Activated by default. If deactivated, instructors are restricted from creating new classes.

Allow instructors to extend class end time

Lets instructors to extend the class end time.


If the Allow instructors to extend class end time option is deactivated, the date range option in the Classes wizard is dimmed out for instructors in the instructor user interface.

Instructors cannot modify or extend the class time once the class starts. However, administrators can modify the class time from the administrator user interface.

Allow instructors to manage class

Activated by default. Lets instructors to manage a class. Instructors manage the class start time, enrollment and, so on.

Allow instructors to reset lab from class

Activate the Reset control in the Instructor-Led Lab console. The Reset control resets the vApp.

Allow instructors access to all classes

If activated, an instructor can go to the Class page (click Class Management > Classes) and view all the classes. If deactivated, then only classes to which the instructor is assigned are listed.

Enable broadcast display

If activated, hides the Broadcast button from the Instructor URL for a class.

Send student class assigned email from email template

To send students an email when enrolled for a class, enable this option. You can create custom email templates using the Email Templates menu option.

Add support email in cc in class emails

By default this field is empty. To send custom emails for a class, add the email address, such as support team email. You can add multiple email IDs. Ensure that the email IDs are separated by using commas. For example, [email protected], [email protected].

Send instructor class assigned email from email template

To send instructors an email when assigned for a class, enable this option. You can create custom email templates using the Email Templates menu option.

Send student class started email from email template

If activated, instructors can send class started emails to students using the email template in the Classes menu.

Create entitlements of class with quick launch link

If activated, when instructors create an entitlement for a class, it is created with the quick launch link to the lab.

Make time allotted for entitlement equal to class duration and hide remaining lab time

If activated, the entitlement duration is equal to the class duration, and the remaining time and extend time buttons are hidden for class labs.

Allow instructors to see and bulk upload users to tenant

Lets instructors to access the Account page Security > User Controls. The page includes Account Bulk Upload, Account Bulk Remove, and Account Bulk Download settings. To add users to the administrator with a CSV file, instructors can use the Class Bulk Upload function.


Instructors can use Class Bulk Upload to specify only user name, first name, last name, and company. The system ignores all other columns in the CSV file. When an instructor does a bulk upload users action, the system creates those users with the administrator user role and adds them to the All Users group.

Instructor can connect to inactive console

Activates or deactivates an instructor's ability to connect to an inactive console.

Send an email to instructor when assigned to class

When an instructor is assigned to a class, email is sent to the instructor.

Send an email to instructor on class creation

Sends email to the instructor when the class is created. The contents of the mail can be customized by editing the Instructor Class Created Email template in the Email section of the Settings page.

Send notifications for unused resources in classes after a specified hours after class start

If activated, sends notifications to the instructor on unused resources like powered on vApps. Select a numeric value to enable the notification. By default, 0 is selected. 0 means no notification is sent. 2 means, a notification is sent after two hours of a class start.

Send an email to student when assigned to class

If activated, sends email notification to students when assigned to a class. You can customize the email using the Student assigned to class Email custom email templates.

Send an email to student email on class start

If activated, sends email notification to students when a class is about to start. You can customize the email using the Student's class start Email custom email templates.

Show all VMs in instructor interface

If activated, displays all the student VMs to the instructor.

Show preferred cloud location dropdown in the classes wizard

If activated, displays the cloud location option in the Classes page.

Specify the maximum refresh frequency for student console thumbnails in the instructor view (in milliseconds)
Specify the minimum refresh frequency for student console thumbnails in the instructor view (in milliseconds)

Add a warning if there are enough resources in cloud on class creation

If activated, the system displays a warning on the class creation page if enough resources are available for the class. This feature helps administrators to make informed decision on resource allocation.




Allow Anonymous Catalog/Lab Browsing

If activated, allows anonymous browsing. Anonymous browsing means that users can browse the catalog even if they are not logged in to VMware Lab Platform. As a result, end users can view what labs are available before registering with a site (otherwise, only registered users can view what labs are available).

Allow raw CSS styles in the manual content

Activate or deactivate allowing raw CSS styles in a lab manual.


Activate or deactivate the display of lab console announcements.

Anonymous Language

Select a language for anonymous users from the pull-down menu. When an anonymous user opens the lab console, the default language is the language you selected.

Auto Logout from Student Interface Timeout (in milliseconds)

Automatically logs out a student when the student interface is idle for the time limit set in this option.

Enroll and Start lab with one click

Immediately starts a lab after enrollment, redirecting the user to the console screen.

Default Active Tab

Selects the default active tab in the user interface, such as Labs, My Enrollments, Completed Labs, and Favorites.

Disable End button until Complete

Deactivates the End button on the user console until after the time specified by the Minimum Time Spent for lab to be completed and Percentage of steps visited for the lab to be completed settings at Lab Management > Labs.

Enable Cloud Media upload in the student interface

When activated, it allows lab admins to insert and eject media files to the VM console from the student user interface.

Show an overlay displaying the console dimensions when resizing it

Average Deployment Time History in days

Specifies the time frame to consider while calculating the average time for deploying a lab. Enter the value as number of days to calculate the average deployment time.

Show EULA (and customize)

Activates or deactivates the display of Service Terms. Service Terms are rules to which a person taking a lab must consent. When activated, Service Terms are displayed when a user first takes a lab. If the lab user consents, then the Service Terms do not appear again for that user.

Click the Customize button to open the Service Terms List page, which lists existing Service Terms for the account. You can use the page to:

  • Activate or deactivate a particular Service Terms.

  • Edit an existing Service Terms.

  • Create Service Terms (click Create Service Terms).

Show full lab details by default in the catalog

Activate or deactivate the display of full lab details through Catalog List.

Display VM Thumbnails

Display of the thumbnail associated on the end user lab console in the middle tab.

Default Help Request Location

Sets location of the student help request, either Nested in Help Menu or Top Level.

Hide forgot password button

When activated, the Forgot Password option is not available (hidden) for users from the VMware Lab Platform login page.

Hide Instructions panel when no manual

If activated, hides instruction panel when no manual is added for a class.

Instructions Panel Location

Sets default location (left or right side) of the Manual button on the instructor-led lab console.

User Interface Customization

Lab End Page Timeout (in milliseconds)

Time in hours, minutes, and seconds. After a user completes a lab, VMware Lab Platform logs out a user having zero credits within the timeout specified. (Typically, a user with zero credits is at an event)

Allow users to unenroll themselves from a lab

Lets users enrolled in a lab to cancel their enrollment.


Activate or deactivate the display of lab console offers.

Open ‘Notes’ Pop-up On Lab Start

If activated, then once an end user starts any lab within this account, the lab console displays metadata (notes, user name, and password for each VM) for the lab.

Save the anonymous compatibility tests results

Save compatibility tests results for users who are logged as anonymous users. Results are located under Reports > Compatibility Tests.

Lab Rating Enabled

Activate or deactivate the lab rating feature on the lab console.

Show Catalog

Activate or deactivate the display of lab catalogs on the Show Catalog page.

Allow users to see a transcript certificate

Activate or deactivate users to view lab transcripts by clicking an entitlement key in the Transcripts List.

Show loading tips at lab start
Show the Dark Theme toggle in Student UI

Show Default Welcome Tips

If activated, then the lab console displays the account’s default tips and displays any tips created by the admin using the Content > Tips > Create Tip setting. If deactivated, then the lab console displays only the tips created by the admin but not the default tips.

Show estimated deploy time at lab start

If activated, then when an end user begins a lab, the system displays an estimated time required for the lab startup. If not activated, then the system does not display an estimated time required to start the lab.


The Lab Templates list includes the Reset Average Deploy Time Statistics setting. The setting clears the statistics for the selected template to restart the calculation for the average deploy time.

Show invite a friend links

Activate or deactivate display of the link on the lab console. VMware Lab Platform displays the link the right tab of the lab console within each listed lab.

Show a badge on catalog lab entries for "Available Now" or "Deployed on Demand" labs

If activated, this a badge, which shows if the lab has prepops or not. "Available Now" means, the lab will start much quicker that the deploy on demand.

Show the warning prompt when enrolling in a lab if prepops are not available

If activated, a warning is displayed that there are no prepops for the lab and it will take longer time to deploy.

Show "Lab is Provisioning" loading screen

If activated, and there are no prepopulated lab templates provisioned for a lab, then the Lab is Provisioning message is displayed on the user screen.

Show Split Screen/Remote Control Link

Activate or deactivate display of link. VMware Lab Platform supports mobile devices for the split screen functionality such that the lab’s instructional manual appears on the mobile device while the lab console appears on a desktop or laptop.

Show UI Walkthrough

Activate or deactivate the lab console walk-through tour. When an end user starts a lab for the first time, the system automatically starts a guided console walk-through tour.

Show Welcome Tips

Activate or deactivate the Welcome Tips message for labs in lab console.

Student UI Custom Script

Table of Contents Location

Customizes the location (“Nested in More Options Menu” or “Top Level”) at which the lab console displays a lab manual Table of Contents option.


URL for the user interface (for example, https://www.labplatform.vmware.com/<org_name>). Here the org name is the name of your organization registered with VMware Lab Platform.

Video Conference Panel Location

Customizes the video conference panel location.

VM Listing Panel Location

Sets default location (left or right side) of the Console button on the instructor-led lab console.

LTI Settings



LTI Consumer Key

LTI Shared Secret

Lab Builder



Automatic Deployment pool creation

If activated, default pools are created for new templates created in the Lab Builder. Enable this setting if you want to create labs directly from the Lab Builder.

Auto Update Lab Builder Content

Automatically synchronize content from the cloud (vCD org) and keep the content up-to-date in VMware Lab Platform.

Default catalog

Specifies which catalog is selected initially when you open the Lab Builder page

Deactivate default network creation

Activate or deactivate this setting.

Enable file upload in lab builder editor

If activated, lets you to upload resource files in the Lab Builder.

Notification for powered on lab builder items inactive for more than specified hours

If activated, sends notifications when a powered on lab Builder items are inactive for more that the specified hours. Select a numeric value to enable the notification. By default, 0 is selected. 0 means no notification is sent.

Suspend lab builder items after specified hours of inactivity

Suspends Lab Builder items if the items remain inactive for more than the hours specified in the Notification for powered on lab builder items inactive for more than specified hours option.

Max number of CPUs per VM

Controls the maximum number of allowed CPUs per VM for VMs created through Lab Builder.

Max memory (MB) per VM

Controls the maximum allowed memory per VM for VMs created through Lab Builder.

Max storage (MB) per VM

Controls the maximum allowed storage per virtual machine for virtual machines created through Lab Builder.

Enable Lab Builder network settings autocorrect

Comma separated list of public catalogs that should be visible in Lab Builder

A comma-separated list of public catalogs that must be visible in Lab Builder.

Display Lab builder resources in GB

Enable to display resources in Lab Builder in GBs. Deactivate to display resources in MBs.

Resources in GB significant figures

Sets how many decimal places are displayed when resource information is displayed in gigabytes in the Lab Builder. The default is one decimal place.

Use tasks for lab builder template operations

Enable the Use tasks for lab builder template operations setting to view Lab Builder tasks such as uploading files, or VMs in the Dashboard.

Remove Org network connections on replication

Show a WiFi icon in Lab Builder to indicate VM internet Status

By default this option is enabled. The Show a WiFi icon in Lab Builder to indicate VM internet Status setting adds the WiFi visual icon to lab templates when you edit a lab template.

Use edge gateway for NSX-T backed vCD

When enabled, VMware Lab Platform creates additional VMs serving as a gateway to handle NSX-T firewall, NAT, and static routing feature.

Enable Vm script run

When enabled, VMware Lab Platform turns on the VM script run in Lab Builder.




Maintenance Mode Message

Text message that VMware Lab Platformdisplays when an account is in maintenance mode.

Maintenance Mode Enabled

Activate or deactivate to put an account in maintenance mode.

Side Menu

Control the menu options that are displayed in the left-navigation pane and in the Labs using the Portal Settings > Configuration > Side Menu options. When a Side Menu option is activated, it is hidden from the navigation pane and also from the Create Lab and Update Lab options in the Labs window.



Events Menu Enabled

When activated, the Events menu is activated and can be accessed from the navigation panel.

Exams Menu Enabled

Activate or deactivate.

When activated, activates the Exam Management menu option. This option is deactivated by default.

Show Analytics page

By default this setting is deactivated. Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Analytics menu can be accessed from the navigation pane.

Show API Domain Allowlist page

By default this setting is deactivated. Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Allowed API Domains menu is displayed in the side-navigation pane.

Show Badges page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, hides the Badges menu from the navigation pane.

Show Entitlement Callbacks page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Entitlement Callbacks menu is displayed in the side-navigation pane.

Show Help Desk Integrations page

By default this is deactivated. Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Help Desk Integrations menu in the navigation pane.

Show Lab Ratings page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Show Lab Ratings option is displayed for a lab once a user completes a lab in the user interface.

Show LTI Integrations page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the LTI Integrations menu in the navigation pane.


The LTI Integrations menu is not hidden in the Labs window.

Show Network topologies page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Network Topologies menu in the navigation pane.

Show Page Contents page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Page Content menu in the navigation pane.

Show Products page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Products menu in the navigation pane.

Show Service Terms page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Service Terms menu in the navigation pane.

Show Surveys page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, shows the Survey Configuration menu in the navigation pane.

Show Tags page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Tags menu is displayed in the navigation pane.

Show Thumbnails page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Thumbnails menu is displayed in the navigation pane.

Show Tips page

Activate or deactivate. When activated, the Tips menu is displayed in the navigation pane.

Get Support (Instructor)

Add a site or email address in the Get Support (Instructor) field to get personalized support site. If left empty, all support requests are redirected to the default VMware support site.

You can also modify the support link for your VMware Lab Platform organization administrators by contacting the VMware Lab Platform support team.

User Hard Cap



Limit the number of concurrent users

Activate or deactivate a cap on the number of concurrent users per account.


The value limits the number of concurrent users per account who can take labs. While many users can be logged into an account, the value does limit the number of the users actually taking a lab.

Alert threshold for active/committed

Sets the threshold for VMware Lab Platform to send a warning to alert users when the maximum setting is being approached.

Committed users per month

Maximum concurrent users per month (for example, a commitment of a maximum 10 concurrent users per month). This maximum does not actually limit the number of users per month. To limit the concurrent users (in the example, preventing the 11th user from taking a lab), you have to enable the “Limit the number of Concurrent Users” setting.


Committed users per month are not related to specific labs. Instead, the maximum regards concurrent users in your account. Users can take any lab more than the maximum if they do not take the labs at the same time.


Administrators can send custom emails to users, such as “welcome” emails or “password change” emails and notify the users. To view the templates for custom messages, click Portal Settings > Configurations > Email.

To modify the default formats, click Click Here to Customize Your Email on the templates form. You can include any of the predefined tokens that are displayed. The Email page also includes the Return Address text box. Use this text box to update the return address for all emails sent on behalf of your account.

The following email templates are included:



Email template for Add Users

Email template when a user from an existing VMware Lab Platform account is added to a new organization account. Ensure that you select the Send Welcome/Verify Email option in the Create Account page to send this email to the new users. For more information on how to create a user account and send a welcome email message, see Create a user account.

Change Password Email

Email template to notify users when the account password is changed.

Reset Password Email

Email template to notify users with URL link to reset their password.

Email template for security question reset

Email template to notify users when the security questions associated with the account authorization is reset.

Welcome Email

Email template to welcome new users on board to VMware Lab Platform. For more information on how to create a user account and send a welcome email message, see Create a user account.

Instructor Class Created Email

Email template to notify instructors of a class when a class is created. Ensure that the “Send an Email to Instructor when assigned to class” Setting option is activated for this email type.

Entitlement Quick Link Email

Email template to provide a quick launch URL for an entitlement that a user is enrolled for.

Student assigned to class Email

Email template to notify students when they are assigned to a class.

Student's class start Email

Email template to notify students when a class that they are enrolled for is started.

Exam result Email

Email template to notify a user of an exam result for a lab.

Class notification Email

Email template to notify a user when a class is about to start.