After you find good snapshots of VMs, badge them, power off and stage them, you can recover those VMs to the original protected site.

When you recover VMs in a protected site where the VMs originated from, you replace the original VMs with the snapshots of the VMs you staged for recovery. The system preserves all the data that is common between the protected site and staged VMs and transfers only differences during recovery.

When you recover VMs to a protected site, the system checks all required resource inventory mappings, and shows missing mappings in red text. If a mapping is missing, you can click the Change link to override the recoovery resource.

You can also change VM IP addresses before you recover them; for example, if the network settings on the original protected site changed or no longer exist, you can reset the VM IP address, subnet mask, and any DNS servers currently being used.

Ransomware recovery supports recovering VMs to the original protected site from either of the following:
  • A snapshot that originated from the on-premises protected site.
  • A snapshot that was created on the recovery SDDC after cleansing the VM of ransomware and is staged for recovery.


  1. From the VMs list, select one or more VMs.
  2. From the Other Actions menu, click the Recover VMs button.
    Recover multiple VMs in protected site button.
  3. In the Recover VMs dialog box, under Recovery location select Original protected site.
  4. Under Required inventory, check that each required inventory resource shows a green check mark next to it, which indicates that the resources and folders exist on the original protected site.
    1. If any of the resource mappings are missing they appear in red font. To change them, click the Change link to the right of each resource.
    2. In the Change Resource dialog box, select the new mappings and then click the Change button.
  5. Click the IP addresses in recovery location list to see the IP addresses the VMs will use when they are recovered.
    If you want to use different IP addresses for the VMs, click the Change link to the right of each IP address.
    In the Change IP address dialog box, enter the new IP address, its subnet mask, Gateways, and DNS servers being used on the protected site (if configured).
  6. Confirm that you understand that the VM on the protected site will be replaced (overwritten) by VMs from the staging snapshots.
    Recover VMs dialog box
  7. Click the Recover VMs button. When the recovery operation finishes, the VMs are listed as Recovered.

What to do next

You can start validating other VMs, or you can end ransomware recovery for the plan.