You must configure the the OVSDB manager table on the physical switch to connect the hardware gateway to the NSX Controller.

The Controller passively listens to the connection attempt from the physical switch. Therefore, the hardware gateway must use the OVSDB manager table to initiate connection.


Controllers must be deployed before any hardware gateway instances are configured. If controllers are not deployed first, the error message "Failed to do the Operation on the Controller" is shown.


  1. Use the commands that apply to your environment to connect the hardware gateway to the NSX Controller.
    Sample commands to connect hardware gateway and NSX Controller.
    prmh-nsx-tor-7050sx-3#configure terminal
    prmh-nsx-tor-7050sx-3(config-cvx)#service hsc
    prmh-nsx-tor-7050sx-3(config-cvx-hsc)#manager 6640
    prmh-nsx-tor-7050sx-3(config-cvx-hsc)#no shutdown
  2. Set the OVSDB manager table on the hardware gateway.
  3. Set the OVSDB port number value as 6640.
  4. (Optional) Verify that the hardware gateway is connected to the NSX Controller through the OVSDB channel.
    • Check that the connection status is UP.
    • Ping the VM1 and VLAN 160 to verify that the connection succeeds.
  5. (Optional) Verify that the hardware gateway is connected to correct NSX Controller.
    1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
    2. Select Networking & Security > Installation and Upgrade > Management > NSX Controller nodes.