Hardware gateway certificate must be added to the hardware device for the configuration to work.


Verify that the hardware gateway certificate from your environment is available.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
  2. Select Networking & Security > Service Definitions.
  3. Click the Hardware Devices tab.
  4. Click the Add (Add icon.) icon to create the hardware gateway profile details.
    Register the hardware gateway certificate to the hardware device.
    Option Description
    Name and Description

    Specify a hardware gateway name.

    You can add details of the profile in the description section.

    Certificate Paste the certificate that you extracted from your environment.
    Enable BFD

    Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol is enabled by default .

    The protocol is used to synchronize the hardware gateway configuration information.

  5. Click OK.
    A profile that represents the hardware gateway is created.
  6. Refresh the screen to verify that the hardware gateway is available and running.
    The connectivity should be UP.
  7. (Optional) Click the hardware gateway profile and right-click to select View the BFD Tunnel Status from the drop-down menu.
    BFD tunnel status information for hardware gateway.

    The dialog box shows diagnostic tunnel status details for troubleshooting.