Virtual servers receive all the client connections and distribute them among the servers. A virtual server has an IP address, a port, and a protocol TCP.

Load balancer rules are supported for only Layer 7 virtual servers with an HTTP application profile. Different load balancer services can use load balancer rules.

Each load balancer rule consists of single or multiple match conditions and single or multiple actions. If the match conditions are not specified, then the load balancer rule always matches and is used to define default rules. If more than one match condition is specified, then the matching strategy determines if all conditions must match or any one condition must match for the load balancer rule to be considered a match.

Each load balancer rule is implemented at a specific phase of the load balancing processing; HTTP Request Rewrite, HTTP Request Forwarding, and HTTP Response Rewrite. Not all the match conditions and actions are applicable to each phase.

If a virtual server status is disabled, any new connection attempts to the virtual server are rejected by sending either a TCP RST for the TCP connection or ICMP error message for UDP. New connections are rejected even if there are matching persistence entries for them. Active connections continue to be processed. If a virtual server is deleted or disassociated from a load balancer, then active connections to that virtual server fail.



  1. From your browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. Select Networking > Load Balancing > Virtual Servers > Add.
  3. Enter a name and a description for the Layer 7 virtual server.
  4. Select the Layer 7 menu item.
    Layer 7 virtual servers support the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
    The existing HTTP application profile is automatically populated.
  5. (Optional) Click Next to configure server pool and load balancing profiles.
  6. Click Finish.