To deploy a VMware SD-WAN Virtual Edge on Google Cloud Platform using a Deployment Manager, perform the following steps:
- Activate the Cloud Deployment Manager API in GCP. For steps, see Enable Deployment Manager.
- Provision a SD-WAN Edge on the SD-WAN Orchestrator as follows:
- Create an edge of type Virtual Edge and make a note of the activation key that will be displayed on the top of the screen once the edge is provisioned.
- Configure a VLAN IP address (use /24) for the edge. Do not activate Advertise and DHCP.
- Configure virtual edge interfaces as follows:
- Change GE2 interface capability to Routed from Switched and activate WAN Overlay and DHCPAddressing.
- For GE3 interface, deactivate WAN Overlay and NAT Direct Traffic as this interface will be used for the LAN-side gateway.
For more information, see Provision an Edge on the VCO.
Note: The SD-WAN Orchestrator needs the Device Settings configured first before edge activation. If this step is missed, the virtual edge activates but then goes offline a few minutes later. - Deploy the GCP image by creating the VPC networks first and then deploying the DM template with the relative reference for each interface. CLOUD-INIT is also used in the template to supply SD-WAN Orchestrator target and activation key for the virtual Edge.
- Create three Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks (MGMT VPC network, Public VPC network, and Private VPC network), each for a subnet connected to the Edge (n1-standard-4) as shown in the topology diagram.
- Mgmt Subnet for console/management access to the Edge through Management Interface GE1.
- Public Subnet for Internet access from the Edge through WAN-side Interface GE2.
- Private Subnet for LAN-side device access through LAN-side Interface GE3.
For steps on how to create VPC networks, see Create a VPC Network.
- Modify the Deployment Manager (DM) template. The following is a sample YAML DM template. You can use this template, but ensure to make necessary changes for your environment. The YAML DM template will need the following items modified to fit the intended environment:
- Project Name
- Region and Zone
- VPC-Names and Subnets
- VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator IP or FQDN
- Activation Code (format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)
- VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator Ignore Cert Errors: true or false
# "VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud GCP Deployment Manager Template (34220201029)" # gcloud deployment-manager deployments create velocloud-vce --config gcp_dm.yaml # gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete velocloud-vce resources: - type: compute.v1.instance name: dm-gcp-vce-01 properties: zone: us-west1-a machineType: canIpForward: true disks: - deviceName: boot type: PERSISTENT boot: true autoDelete: true initializeParams: sourceImage: networkInterfaces: - network: subnetwork: projects/gcp-nsx-sdwan/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/velo-mgmt-sn - network: subnetwork: projects/gcp-nsx-sdwan/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/public-sn accessConfigs: - name: External NAT type: ONE_TO_ONE_NAT - network: subnetwork: projects/gcp-nsx-sdwan/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/velo-private-sn metadata: items: - key: user-data value: | #cloud-config velocloud: vce: vco: activation_code: YPTF-PN33-THTX-28V5 vco_ignore_cert_errors: false
For information about GCLOUD CLI, see
- Create three Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks (MGMT VPC network, Public VPC network, and Private VPC network), each for a subnet connected to the Edge (n1-standard-4) as shown in the topology diagram.
- Verify if the virtual edge is activated in the SD-WAN Orchestrator.
Once the instance is running in GCP and all information provided was correct, the virtual edge will reach out to the SD-WAN Orchestrator with the activation key, activate and perform software update if needed (and reboot if upgraded). Typical deployment time is between 3 to 4 minutes.