This topic provides instructions for developers configuring multi-site replication across multiple foundations or data centers.

You provision two service instance – one in each of two foundations. Your leader instance may be either a multi‑site replication topology or HA Cluster topology. Your follower instance must be a multi‑site replication topology. You then configure these two instances to replicate from the leader to the follower. You may establish this replication manually, or using the mysql-tools plugin to the CF cli.

Multi-site replication is configured separately from the leader-follower service plan. Any mention on this page of "leader" and "follower" refers to the two service instances provisioned above for multi-site configuration, not to any service instance of type "leader-follower".

For more information about the multi‑site replication topology, see About multi‑site replication.

For more information about the HA Cluster topology, see About highly available clusters.


Before you use VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS across multiple foundations, you must:

  • Select two foundations to deploy your multi-site leader and follower service instances.
  • Select the topology for your leader instance: multi‑site replication or HA Cluster.
  • Verify that, on each foundation, your operator has configured your access in your org and spaces to:
    • a multi‑site replication plan. For more information about configuring a Multi‑Site Replication plan, see Preparing for Multi‑Site Replication.
    • a HA Cluster plan if you are considering using a HA cluster as multi-site leader. Within each foundation, your operator must configure the HA cluster plan and Multi‑Site Replication plan within the exact same Availability Zones. For more information about configuring a a high-availability cluster plan, see About high-availability clusters.

Multi-site replication usage overview

To create a multi-site replication configuration across multiple foundations:

  1. Check the availability of the Multi‑Site Replication plan in the Marketplace in both your foundations. See Confirm the VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service service availability.
  2. Select the topology you want for your leader instance. See Select a multi-site leader topology.
  3. Create a service instance on each foundation – a leader of your selected topology on your primary foundation, and a follower of type Multi‑Site Replication on your secondary foundation. See Create multi-site replication service instances.
  4. Configure replication from your leader to your follower service instances. See Configure multi-site replication.
  5. Bind the multi-site configured service instances to your apps. See Bind a multi-site configured service instance to your app.
  6. Modify your app to use the multi-site configured service instances. See Use the MySQL service in your app.

After you configure your multi-site service instances, you can manage them over the life cycle of your apps and data. For instructions on how to manage a VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS service instance, see Manage service instances.

Select a multi-site leader topology

Multi-site replication supports two topologies for the leader service instance: Multi‑Site Replication and HA Cluster.

  • A Multi‑Site Replication instance has comparatively simple initial setup and ongoing management such as multi-site switchover procedures. But it deploys MySQL running on a single VM, making it vulnerable to VM and infrastructure performance issues.
  • A HA Cluster instance has comparatively simple initial setup, but more involved ongoing management such as multi-site switchover procedures. Since it deploys a 3-VM MySQL cluster, it is more resilient to VM or node failures failure than a single-VM deployment.
Multi‑Site Replication High-Availability Cluster
Number of deployed VMs 1 4 (3 MySQL cluster + 1 Jumpbox)
Resilience to VM failure Low. A VM outage may necessitate a failover from your multi-site leader to your follower High. Cluster replication lets your multi-site leader withstand and potentially recover from a single VM outage.
Stemcell upgrade behavior Offline. The topology's single VM goes offline during stemcell upgrades (requiring multi-site switchover for continued uptime) Online. Rolling upgrades impact only 1 cluster VM at a time.
Multi-site switchover complexity Moderate. Multiple steps are needed to switch the instance's leader and follower roles. More Complex:
  • HA Clusters cannot serve as multi-site followers. Therefore, switchover requires downscaling any HA Cluster leader into a single-VM Multi‑Site Replication follower.
  • As switchover is promoting your secondary foundation's Multi‑Site Replication instance from follower to leader, you may elect to upscale that (new follower) instance into a HA Cluster, adding some considerations to the switchover process.
For more information about this topology: [Preparing for multi-site replication](./prepare-multi-site.html)
  • [About high-availability clusters](./about-ha.html)
  • [Monitoring node health](./monitor-health.html)

Existing HA clusters created with <vars.product_short> version 3.2 or later may be configured to be multi-site leaders. HA clusters created with earlier versions may be configured as multi-site leaders via a migration process. For more information see Migrating HA instances for multi-site replication. (In all cases these clusters must meet the above Prerequisites.)


Before you can use a highly available deployment as a multi-site leader, your operator must enable Service-Gateway. You must create the leader instance with Service-Gateway access. For more information, see Creating a service instance with Service-Gateway access.

Create multi-site service instances in your two foundations

You will create one service instance in your primary foundation to act as the replication leader. And you will create a second service instance in your secondary foundation (usually your disaster recovery site) to serve as the replication follower. Later sections establish the replication between these two service instances.

  1. Check the availability of the Multi‑Site Replication plan in the Marketplace in both your foundations. Even if you want to use a HA Cluster as your replication leader, you must have a Multi‑Site Replication plan configured within your primary foundation for switchover scenarios. See Confirm the VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service service availability.

  2. In your primary foundation, create a leader service instance of the type you selected above in Select a multi-site leader topology.

    1. Log in to the deployment for your primary foundation by running:

      cf login PRIMARY-API-URL

      Where PRIMARY-API-URL is the API endpoint for the primary foundation.

    2. Create a primary service instance by running:

      cf create-service p.mysql PLAN PRIMARY-INSTANCE


      • PLAN is the name of the Multi‑Site Replication or HA Cluster plan you want your leader to use.
      • PRIMARY-INSTANCE is a name you choose to identify the service instance. This name appears under service in output from cf services.

      For example:

      $ cf create-service p.mysql db-ha80-small primary-db
      Creating service primary-db in org my-org / space my-space as admin... OK

      Do not name your service instance leader or follower. If you trigger a failover or switchover, the service instances in your primary and secondary foundations switch roles. For more information, see Triggering multi-site replication failover and switchover.

    3. (Optional) Watch the progress of the service instance creation by running:

      watch cf services

      Wait for the last operation for your instance to show as create succeeded.

      For example:

      $ watch cf services
      Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as admin... OK name service plan bound apps last operation primary-db p.mysql db-small create succeeded

      If you get an error, see Troubleshooting instances.

  3. Create a follower Multi‑Site Replication service instance in your secondary foundation by repeating step 1, replacing references to primary with secondary, and selecting a Multi‑Site Replication plan within your secondary foundation.

Configure multi-site using the mysql-tools plug-in

To reduce the complexity of configuring multi-site instance replication, VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS offers the mysql-tools plug-in to the cf CLI. This plug-in automates some of the manual steps documented in the later section Configure multi-site manually. The resulting configurations are functionally identical.

To configure multi-site replication across multiple foundations with mysql-tools, install the latest version of the mysql-tools cf CLI plug-in. For more information about the mysql-tools cf CLI plug-in, see mysql-cli-plugin in GitHub.


This procedure assumes you are using cf CLI v8 or greater. Earlier cf CLI versions are not compatible with the latest mysql-tools plug-in release.

Steps to configure multi-site replication using mysql-tools

Important The mysql-tools setup-replication command requires cf CLI v8. For more information, see

To configure multi-site replication across foundations with mysql-tools, you will: - Save cloudfoundry targeting information for the primary foundation. - Save cloudfoundry targeting information for the secondary foundation. - Use mysql-tools to automatically establish replication between your instances in your primary and secondary foundations.

  1. Create a leader service instance in your primary foundation and follower in your secondary foundation if you have not alredy done so.

    More information is in Create multi-site service instances in your two foundations.

  2. Save the cf config to target your primary foundation:

    1. Log in to the deployment for your primary foundation by running:

      cf login PRIMARY-API-URL

      Where PRIMARY-API-URL is the API endpoint for the primary foundation.

    2. Use mysql-tools to save the config

      cf mysql-tools save-target PRIMARY-TARGET-NAME

      Where PRIMARY-TARGET-NAME is your chosen name for the primary foundation.

  3. Save the cf config to target your the secondary foundation:

    1. Log in to the deployment for your secondary foundation by running:

      cf login SECONDARY-API-URL

      Where SECONDARY-API-URL is the API endpoint for the primary foundation.

    2. Use mysql-tools to save the config

      cf mysql-tools save-target SECONDARY-TARGET-NAME

      Where SECONDARY-TARGET-NAME is your chosen name for the secondary foundation.

  4. Use mysql-tools to configure replication between the primary and secondary foundations.

    cf mysql-tools setup-replication --primary-target PRIMARY-TARGET-NAME --primary-instance PRIMARY-INSTANCE \
      --secondary-target SECONDARY-TARGET-NAME --secondary-instance SECONDARY-INSTANCE

    Where: - PRIMARY-TARGET-NAME is your chosen name for the primary foundation. - PRIMARY-INSTANCE is your chosen name for the primary instance. - SECONDARY-TARGET-NAME is your chosen name for the secondary foundation. - SECONDARY-INSTANCE is your chosen name for the secondary instance.

    Notes: - The mysql-tools plugin has shorthand flags for the above options. Type cf mysql-tools setup-replication for a help message listing the options. - This step re-deploys both your leader and follower instances. Any Multi‑Site Replication instances will experience downtime during these redeploys. - The entire process may take several minutes or longer to complete, depending on your selected service instances and foundation configurations. - This step leverages tokens from your above foundation cf login commands, and therefore should be launched shortly after performing those logins (e.g. within minutes) before those tokens expire.

  5. The plugin output shows status lines showing checkpoints for the various configuration steps:

    Validating the primary instance: 'primary-db'.
    Validating the secondary instance: 'secondary-db'.
    Creating a 'host-info' service-key: 'MSHostInfo-1705540659' on the secondary instance: 'secondary-db'.
    Getting the 'host-info' service-key from the secondary instance: 'secondary-db'.
    Updating the primary with the secondary's 'host-info' service-key: 'MSHostInfo-1705540659'.
    Creating a 'credentials' service-key: 'MSCredInfo-1705541348' on the primary instance: 'primary-db'.
    Getting the 'credentials' service-key from the primary instance. 'primary-db'.
    Updating the secondary instance with the primary's 'credentials' service-key: 'MSCredInfo-1705541348'.
  6. Purge cf config information from your workstation:

    cf mysql-tools remove-target PRIMARY-TARGET-NAME
    cf mysql-tools remove-target SECONDARY-TARGET-NAME

Configure multi-site manually

You may manually establish replication between your two foundations. You may want to do this if you want to avoid briefly saving cloud foundry targeting information, or want to control the names of the service keys used to establish replication. When the manual steps are properly executed, the resulting configuration is functionally identical to one created by the mysql-tools plugin.

Steps to configure multi-site replication manually

After you create your service instances in primary and secondary foundations, you must configure replication between the two service instances.

You configure replication using service keys to pass connection information between the leader and follower service instances. You must not use these service keys for any other use case besides establishing multi-site replication.

Workflow for configuring multi-site replication

The following diagram describes the workflow for configuring multi-site replication:

alt-text=Two boxes labeled Secondary Foundation and Primary Foundation.
Six steps are shown. Steps 1 and 2 are in Secondary Foundation, Steps 3, 4, and 5 are in Primary Foundation,
and Step 6 is in Secondary Foundation.

The steps shown in the diagram are as follows:

  1. Create host-info service key.
  2. Record host-info service key.
  3. Update secondary service instance with host-info service key.
  4. Create credentials service key.
  5. Record credentials service key.
  6. Update primary service instance with credentials service key.

Procedure for configuring multi-site replication

The following procedure assumes you created the leader service instance in the primary foundation and the follower service instance in the secondary foundation. You created these service instances in Create multi-site replication service instances.

  1. Create a host-info service key for the service instance in your secondary foundation by running:

    cf create-service-key SECONDARY-INSTANCE SERVICE-KEY \
      -c '{"replication-request": "host-info"}'


    For example:

    $ cf create-service-key secondary-db host-info \
           -c '{"replication-request": "host-info" }'
    Creating service key host-info for service instance secondary-db as admin... OK
  2. View the replication-credentials for your host-info service key by running:



    For example:

    $ cf service-key secondary-db host-info-key 
    Getting key host-info-key for service instance secondary-db as admin... { "credentials": { "replication": { "peer-info": { "hostname": "6497378d-f518-4922-92d5-9530d3dc634a.mysql.service.internal", "ip": "", "system_domain": "", "uuid": "6497378d-f518-4922-92d5-9530d3dc634a" }, "role": "leader" } } }

    This procedure assumes you are using cf CLI v8 or greater. Earlier cf CLI versions do not include the top-level credentials JSON key in their cf service-key response.

  3. Record the output of the previous command, and remove the top-level credentials key.
  4. Log in to the deployment for your primary foundation by running:

    cf login PRIMARY-API-URL
  5. Update your primary service instance with the host-info service key by running:

    cf update-service PRIMARY-INSTANCE -c HOST-INFO


    For example:

    $ cf update-service primary-db -c '{
    "replication":{ \
          "hostname": "6497378d-f518-4922-92d5-9530d3dc634a.mysql.service.internal",
          "ip": "",
          "system_domain": "",
          "uuid": "6497378d-f518-4922-92d5-9530d3dc634a"
      "role": "leader"
    Updating service instance primary-db as admin... OK
  6. Watch the progress of the service instance by running:

    watch cf services

    Wait for the last operation for your instance to show as update succeeded.

    For example:

    $ watch cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as admin... OK name service plan bound apps last operation primary-db p.mysql db-small update succeeded

    If you get an error, see Troubleshooting instances.

  7. Create a credentials service key for the leader service instance in your primary foundation by running:

    cf create-service-key PRIMARY-INSTANCE SERVICE-KEY-NAME \
      -c '{"replication-request": "credentials"}'


    (Note the -c flag is different than the flag used in step 1.)

    For example:

    $ cf create-service-key primary-db cred-key \
          -c '{"replication-request": "credentials" }' 
    Creating service key cred-key for service instance primary-db as admin... OK

  8. View the replication-credentials for your credentials service key by running:



    For example:

    $ cf service-key primary-db cred-key 
    Getting key cred-key for service instance primary as admin... { "credentials": { "replication": { "credentials": { "password": "a22aaa2a2a2aaaaa", "username": "6bf07ae455a14064a9073cec8696366c" }, "peer-info": { "hostname": "878f5fb3-fcc5-43cd-8c1f-3018e9f277ad.mysql.service.internal", "ip": "", "ports": { "agent": 8443, "backup": 8081, "mysql": 3306 }, "system_domain": "", "uuid": "878f5fb3-fcc5-43cd-8c1f-3018e9f277ad" }, "role": "follower" } } }

    This procedure assumes you are using cf CLI v8 or greater. Earlier cf CLI versions do not include the top-level credentials JSON key in their cf service-key response.

  9. Record the output of the previous command, and remove the top-level credentials JSON key. The resulting JSON is your “credentials service key”.
  10. Log in to the deployment for your secondary foundation by running:

    cf login SECONDARY-API-URL
  11. Update your follower service instance with the credentials service key by running:



    For example:

    $ cf update-service secondary-db -c '{"replication": {
        "credentials": {
          "password": "a22aaa2a2a2aaaaa",
          "username": "6bf07ae455a14064a9073cec8696366c"
        "peer-info": {
          "hostname": "878f5fb3-fcc5-43cd-8c1f-3018e9f277ad.mysql.service.internal",
          "ip": "",
          "ports": {
            "agent":  8443,
            "backup": 8081,   
            "mysql":  3306
          "system_domain": "",
          "uuid": "878f5fb3-fcc5-43cd-8c1f-3018e9f277ad"
        "role": "follower"
    Updating service instance primary-db as admin... OK

You now have a multi-site configuration with replication enabled.

Upgrade a multi-site configuration

When upgrading the service instances used in a multi-site configuration, it is important to upgrade in a specific order: Follower first, then leader. This ensures that any incompatibilities between different multi-site MySQL versions are handled correctly.

Bind a multi-site configured service instance to your app

For an app to use a multi-site configuration, you must bind your app to your leader service instance in your primary foundation. If you want to use an active-active topology, you must additionally bind your app to the follower service instance in your secondary foundation.

For information about active-passive and app-layer active-active topologies, see see About active-passive topology and About appp-layer active-active topology.

To bind an app to a leader service instance:

  1. Log in to the deployment for your primary foundation by running:

    cf login PRIMARY-API-URL
  2. Bind your app to your primary service instance by doing the procedure in Bind a service instance to your app.

  3. (Optional) If you are using an active-active topology, you must bind the same app to your follower service instance in your secondary foundation. To do this, repeat the previous steps and replace references to primary with secondary.

  4. Modify your app to use the VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS service by using the procedure in Use the MySQL service in your app.

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