You can encrypt and secure the inputs such as password, connection details and other inputs required for the analysis of the VMware products using the encryption key and credential store.


Credential store is a secure vault which stores all the input parameters provided for the analysis, in encrypted form using AES with Galois or Counter Mode encryption. The key used for the Credential Store must be provided by the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user with Administrator role. This key must be kept at the secured location by the users as it is used to encrypt all the data stored for the analysis profiles.

By default Credential Store is turned off and you must enter a valid encryption key to enable it. Every time the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics service or appliance is restarted the Credential Store must be enabled manually with the encryption key. Without enabling the Credential Store, you cannot save profiles for later use. If you have enabled the Credential Store, the analysis profiles are encrypted using the encryption keys, and then if appliance restarts, by default Credential Store is deactivated, and the scheduled tasks are paused till the time Credential Store is enabled again.