There are three computed attributes available to get and set the log, error, and trace levels of a Domain Manager at runtime. These computed attributes, described in Computed attributes to retrieve and set log, error, and trace levels at runtime, are available on the SM_JIIM_Support object, and are therefore available from within JIIM code. The SM_System object is a subclass of SM_JIIM_Support and also inherits these computed attributes. The values of these computed attributes can be retrieved and set by using dmctl.

Table 1. Computed attributes to retrieve and set log, error, and trace levels at runtime

Computed Attributes



The minimum exception level for sending messages to the system error logger.The logLevel attributeis a string, and can be any one of the values set for the --loglevel command line option.


The minimum exception level for writing messages to the log files. The errLevel attributeis a string, and can be any one of the values set for the --errlevel command line option.


Used to print a stack trace to the log file when an exception at this level or above occurs. Exceptions below this level do not write a stack trace. The traceLevel attributeis a string, and can be any one of the values set for the --tracelevel command line option.