When the --output option is specified for the sm_server sm_service command, each Manager stores its working history in a log file. Every time a Manager starts, it writes information to the log file when one of the following occurs:

  • Error

  • Connection is lost

    Log files are, by default, written to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/logs directory. The SM_WRITEABLE environment variable specifies the default locations for log files and other output files such as repositories and saved consoles, as described in “SM_WRITEABLE” on page 153.

    Also, the location where log files are saved can be separately controlled with the SM_LOGFILES environment variable, as described in “SM_LOGFILES” on page 153.

    All log files have a .log file type. The default name of a log file is based on the Manager's name. For example, if the name of the Manager is MYDM, then the name of the English log file is MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log. To change the default name, specify a filename with the --output option for the sm_server sm_service command.

    The names of log files written by adapters are described in their respective user’s guides.

    programs can maintain up to 1,000 different copies of backup log files for each log that is being generated. For example, if you are generating two log files, MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log and MYDM_fr_UTF-8.log file, you can maintain up to 1,000 backup log files for the MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log and 1,000 backup log files for the MYDM_fr_UTF-8.log.

    The number of saved log files is determined by the value of the SM_BACKUP_FILE_LIMIT environment variable. When a Manager starts up, it renames a file that matches its log filenames and adds a .bak suffix to the name (for example, MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log to MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log.bak). If a file with this name already exists, it is renamed MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log.NNN, and a new MYDM_en_US_UTF-8.log.bak is created. By default, programs save two log files, which does not include the active log file.

    Log file management behavior applies to both log files. Log rolling is managed in a synchronized fashion so that data in multiple logs can be correlated. Thus, when the non-English log rolls, the English log, if it is being produced, will also roll.