This map shows OSPF areas, OSPF services, and the OSPF adjacency (OSPF neighbor relationship or OSPF virtual link) connections between the OSPF services. It also shows to which OSPF area an OSPF service belongs. No physical connectivity details are included in this map.

The layout of an OSPF Connectivity map depends on the object that you select to launch the map. The launching object for the map, called the focal object, is surrounded by a box unless the focal object is displayed in a container, or is an OSPF adjacency object. Any node marked with a plus sign indicates that the node can be expanded to show all nodes that are physically or logically connected to the node.

In an OSPF Connectivity map (and clarified in OSPF routers that belong to one or two OSPF areas), any OSPF device that has multiple area assignments will appear outside the containers and will have a directed dotted line from each of the areas.

Figure 1. OSPF routers that belong to one or two OSPF areas

Unlike an Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) router, which has only one area assignment, an OSPF router can have multiple area (domain) assignments.

Also, in an OSPF Connectivity map, any area that does not have at least one device unique to that area will be represented as a standard OSPF area icon rather than as a container.