The Global Manager imports instances of the following object types from Network Protocol Manager for OSPF:

  • OSPFArea

  • OSPFAreaConfiguration

  • OSPFService

  • OSPFNetwork

  • OSPFNeighborRelationship

  • OSPFVirtualLink

  • SystemRedundancyGroup

  • UnitaryComputerSystem (Router, for example)

    Chapter 3, OSPF Objects and their Failures, provides descriptions of OSPFArea, OSPFAreaConfiguration, OSPFService, OSPFNetwork, OSPFNeighborRelationship, OSPFVirtualLink, and SystemRedundancyGroup. The VMware Smart Assurance IP Manager Concepts Guide provides a description of UnitaryComputerSystem and the IP data model.

    The Global Manager combines this topology with the underlying physical-transport topology imported from IP Availability Manager.