This chapter describes all the APIs needed to create the object instances in the WDM Domain Manager's repository. WDM network segment configurationis a basic WDM network segment configuration. It has two end terminals with an in line amplifier (ILA). This figure is for reference and shows various physical and logical classes that can be instantiated in the repository of WDM Domain Manager for building the topology into the WDM Domain Manager using the APIs.
WDM components and API summary lists the WDM OTM components along with the APIs used to make and find that component. Also indicated is whether the component is physical hardware or a logical construction.
API names for creating components start with “make” and API names for finding components already created and existing within OTM repository start with “find.” Some API names use the convention “makeN xxx” or “findN xxx.” The “N” emphasizes the fact that the native name (also known as the native AID) is used in forming the final without undergoing any change or normalization.
Component Name |
API Name |
Details |
Entity Type |
Class Used/Returned |
makeEMSs |
Physical |
findEms |
OpticalNetworkElement |
makeOpticalNetworkElement |
Physical |
OpticalNetworkElement |
findOpticalNetworkElement |
Card |
makeNCard |
Physical |
Card Amplifier Transponder OscCard |
makeNSubcard |
findNCard |
Input Port |
makeInputPort is deprecated. Use makeNInputPort instead. |
Physical |
TransponderInOcnPort TransponderInOchPort MuxInOchPort MuxInOmsPort DemuxInOmsPort AmpInOmsPort AmpInOtsPort AmpInOscPort OscInOscPort |
findInputPort is deprecated. Use findNInputPort instead. |
Output Port |
makeOutputPort is deprecated. Use makeNOutputPort instead. |
Physical |
TransponderOutOcnPort TransponderOutOchPort DemuxOutOchPort MuxOutOmsPort DemuxOutOmsPort AmpOutOmsPort AmpOutOtsPort AmpOutOscPort OscOutOscPort |
findOutputPort is deprecated. Use findNOutputPort instead. |
FiberLink |
makeFiberLink |
Physical |
FiberLink |
findFiberLink |
PassiveFiberLink |
makePassiveFiberLink |
Physical |
FiberLink |
BlackBoxFiberLink |
makeBlackFL |
Physical |
FiberLink |
findBlackFL |
makeNPTP, findNPTP
makePTP and findPTP are deprecated. Use makeNPTP and findNPTP instead. |
Physical |
TopologicalLink |
makeTopologicalLink |
Physical |
TopologicalLink |
LinkGroup |
makeLinkGroup |
Logical |
LinkGroup |
findLinkGroup |
findLinkGroup |
Logical |
LinkGroup |
OchLink |
makeLogicalLink |
Logical |
OchLink |
findLogicalLink |
OcnLink |
makeLogicalLink |
Logical |
OcnLink |
findLogicalLink |
ClientTrail |
makeClientTrail |
Logical |
ClientTrail |
findClientTrail |
ClientCircuit |
makeClientCircuit |
Logical |
ClientCircuit |
findClientCircuit |