Before you start this notifier, you must set values for the following parameters:

Table 1. Email Notifier Adapter parameters and descriptions




Default name of the VMware Manager to connect to.

The default is INCHARGE-SA.


Time that an event must remain active before the notifier sends a notification.

This parameter is used only if the notifier is subscribed to a Domain Manager.

If the notifier is subscribed to a Global Manager, this parameter is not applicable and the value is 0 seconds.

The default is 0 seconds.


Threshold above which notifications are sent. Any notification with a certainty below the threshold is discarded. This value must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. Service Assurance uses the value from the NotificationList definition.

The default is a certainty of 0.01.


Time interval the notifier should wait after it connects to the VMware Manager before accepting events.

The default is 0 seconds.


Name of the mail server. For example:

MailServer = "localhost"


Email address associated with the notifier. Users can reply to this address. This address must be recognized by the mail server. For example:

SenderID = "daemon@localhost"


Comma-separated list of the recipients of the emails. The recipients in the list must be recognized by the mail server. For example:

Recipients = "root@localhost,"

Appendix A, Customizing a Notification Adapter, contains additional information about customizing a notification adapter.