Exceptions generated by VoIP Availability Manager lists the exceptions generated by VoIP Availability Manager. For each exception, the table identifies the managed object for which the exception is generated, the aggregate events associated with the exception, the conditions that trigger the events, and the instrumentation source of the events. The triggering of any event for a particular exception results in the generation of the exception.
Some aggregate events occur when a component of the managed object exceeds a threshold value set for a threshold group, which is a group accessible through a Polling and Thresholds Console attached to VoIP Availability Manager. The procedure to modify threshold values in threshold groups is provided in the VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Configuration Guide.
For informational traps from VoIP Performance Manager, the notifications are aggregated, based upon the node where the threshold condition was crossed, into a single PerformanceExceptions aggregate. The informational traps are associated with topological elements whenever possible. The VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Configuration Guide provides complete information about informational traps and the VoIP Notification Trap Adapter.
Managed object Exception name |
Aggregate event * |
Instrumentation source |
Event name |
Event trigger |
* Interpret event entries as <object name>::<event name>. |
VoipCluster AvailabilityExceptions |
VoipCluster::PhonesUnavailable |
All phones are down for this VoIP cluster. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
VoipCluster::RoutePatternsUnavailable |
All route patterns are down for this VoIP cluster. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
VoipCluster::TrunkGroupsUnavailable |
All trunk groups are down for this VoIp cluster. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
VoipCluster::VoiceMailDevicesUnavailable |
No voice mail devices are registered with any Call Manager in this VoIP cluster, but one or more unregistered voice mail devices exist for this cluster. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CardServiceRedundancyGroup::AllComponentsDown |
None of the IP Connectors or Media Processors in any redundancy group in this VoIP cluster is responsive or operational. |
Avaya trap |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup:: CTIDevicesUnavailable |
None of the Call Managers in this group have CTI port registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::AllComponentsDown |
For one of the Call Manager groups in this VoIP cluster, none of the Call Managers are responsive or operational. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::GatewayDevicesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups in this VoIP cluster, none of the Call Managers have any gateway ports registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
VoipCluster AvailabilityExceptions (continued) |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::MediaDevicesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups in this VoIP cluster, none of the Call Managers have any media devices registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::PhonesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups in this VoIP cluster, none of the Call Managers have any phones registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CallManager::RegistrationException |
For one of the Call Managers in this VoIP cluster, the changes in registered hardware phones exceeded the RegisteredHardware-PhonesThreshold value. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
DS1Service::TrunksUnavailable |
For one of the DS1 services (cards) in this VoIP cluster, all trunks are down. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
VoipCluster::TrunksUnavailable |
For one of the services (cards) in this VoIP cluster, all trunks are down. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Nortel only) |
GatewayService::DChannelInactive |
For one of the gateway services in this VoIP cluster, the digital signaling channel became inactive. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
H323GateKeeper::PhonesUnavailable |
For one of the CLAN services (cards) in this VoIP cluster, all phones registered with the CLAN were dropped. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
H323GateKeeper::RegistrationException |
For one of the CLAN services (cards) in this VoIP cluster, phones are still registered with the CLAN, but the reduced phone registration count exceeded the PhoneRegistration-ChangesThreshold value in the last data sampling interval. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
MediaProcessor::LinksUnavailable |
For one of the MedPro services (cards) in this VoIP cluster, the Control link or Ethernet link is down. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
VoipCluster::RoutesUnavailable |
In this VoIP cluster, all routes are down. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Nortel only) |
VoipCluster PerformanceExceptions |
VoipCluster::MosException |
The percent of poor Mean Opinion Score exceeded the PoorMosCallPercent threshold value for this VoIP cluster. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
VoipCluster::ResourceException |
Degraded routes, route patterns, or trunk groups exist in this VoIP cluster. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya and Nortel only) |
CallManager::CallLoadException |
For one of the Call Managers in this VoIP cluster, the calls in progress exceeded the CallsInProgressThreshold value, and the ratio of active calls to calls in progress is above this threshold. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
ConvergedCallManager::LoadException |
One of the Avaya Call Managers in this VoIP cluster exceeded the Processor-OccupancyThreshold value. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
DS1Service::LoadException |
One of the DS1 services (cards) in this VoIP cluster exceeded the TrunkUsage-ThresholdPercent value. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Avaya only) |
GatewayService::ResourceException |
For one of the gateway services in this VoIP cluster, some outbound calls failed, or the gateway channel utilization exceeded the ChannelUtilizationThreshold value, or the port utilization exceeded the PortUtilization-Threshold value. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
H323Service::CallLoadException |
For one of the H.323 services in this VoIP cluster, the active calls to the calls in progress exceeded the CallLoadThresholdPercent value. |
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
MediaResourceAggregate::LoadException, |
For a particular media type in this VoIP cluster, the percent of active media resources to the total resources exceeded the <media type>Load-ThresholdPercent value, where <media type> is one of the following:
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
VoipCluster PerformanceExceptions (continued) |
MediaResourceAggregate::ResourceException |
For a particular media type resource in this VoIP cluster, the number of polling cycles to retain the threshold-crossing value exceeded the <media type>-ResourceExceptionWindow value, where <media type> is one of the following:
VoIP Performance Manager (Cisco only) |
CallManager RejectedExceptions |
CallManager::RegistrationRejected |
Some requests from devices to register with this Call Manager were rejected. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
GatewayService::RegistrationRejected |
Some requests from gateway devices to register with this Call Manager were rejected. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CTIService::RegistrationRejected |
CTI devices attempting to register to call managers were rejected. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
MediaService::RegistrationRejected |
Some requests from media devices to register with this Call Manager were rejected. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
VoiceMailService::RegistrationRejected |
Some requests from voice mail devices to register with this Call Manager were rejected. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CallManager RegistrationExceptions |
MediaService::Unregistered |
Media service is not registered with any call manager. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
CTIService::Unregistered |
CTI service is not registered with any call manager. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
GatewayService::Unregistered |
Gateway service is not registered with any call manager. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
VoiceMailService::Unregistered |
VoiceMail service is not registered with any call manager. |
Cisco CCM MIB (Cisco only) |
IPPhoneGroup Impacted |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::AllComponentsDown |
For one of the Call Manager groups (redundancy groups) to which this phone group is registered, none of the Call Managers are responsive or operational. |
Cisco CCM MIB Nortel trap |
CallManager::Unresponsive |
The Call Manager to which this phone group is registered is not responsive. |
Cisco CCM MIB |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::GatewayUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups to which this phone group is registered, none of the Call Managers have any gateway ports registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB |
IPPhoneGroup Impacted (continued) |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::MediaDevicesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups to which this phone group is registered, none of the Call Managers have any media devices registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::PhonesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups to which this phone group was registered, none of the Call Managers have any phones registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB |
CallProcessor::Unresponsive |
The Call Manager to which this phone group is registered is not responsive. |
Cisco CCME MIB |
ConvergedCallManagerRedundancyGroup:: AllComponentsDown |
For one of the ConvergedCallManager groups (redundancy groups) to which this phone group is registered, none of the Call Managers are responsive or operational. |
Avaya G3 MIB |
SignalingRedundancyGroup::AllComponentsDown |
For one of the Signaling Server groups (redundancy groups) to which this phone group is registered, none of the signaling servers are responsive or operational. |
Nortel trap |
SignalingService::Unresponsive |
The service for this phone group is not responsive. |
Nortel trap |
GatewayService:: Unresponsive |
The service for this phone group is not responsive. |
Nortel trap |
ConvergedCallManager::Unresponsive |
The service for this phone group is not responsive. |
Avaya G3 MIB |
H323Gatekeeper::Unresponsive |
The service for this phone group is not responsive. |
Avaya G3 MIB |
CallManagerRedundancyGroup::CTIDevicesUnavailable |
For one of the Call Manager groups to which this phone group is registered, none of the Call Managers have any CTI devices registered with them. |
Cisco CCM MIB |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighUtilization |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone is experiencing processor utilization that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighErrorRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a percentage of input or output packet errors that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighDiscardRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a percentage of discarded input or output packet errors that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
IPPhoneGroup Impacted (continued) |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighBroadcastRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has an input package broadcast percentage that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighCollisionRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a rate of collisions that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighQueueDropRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a rate of packets discarded due to input or output queue overflow that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
Generic MIB from IP Availability Manager |
IPPhoneGroup RegistrationExceptions |
IPPhone::Unregistered |
IP phone is not registered with any call agent. |
Avaya SNMP MIB Cisco SNMP MIB Nortel trap |
IPPhoneGroup RejectedExceptions |
IPPhone::RegistrationRejected |
IP phone attempting to register call agent was rejected. |
Avaya SNMP MIB Cisco SNMP MIB Nortel trap |
IPPhone Impacted |
NetworkAdapter_Performance:: HighUtilization |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone is experiencing processor utilization that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighErrorRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a percentage of input or output packet errors that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighDiscardRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a percentage of discarded input or output packet errors that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighBroadcastRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has an input package broadcast percentage that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighCollisionRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a rate of collisions that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
NetworkAdapter_Performance::HighQueueDropRate |
The network adapter associated with this IP phone has a rate of packets discarded due to input or output queue overflow that exceeds the threshold configured for this network adapter. |
IP Availability Manager |
PortNetwork Impacted |
ConvergedCallManager::Unresponsive |
This port network is impacted because the Call Manager that serves the port network is unresponsive. |
IP Availability Manager or Avaya G3 MIB (Avaya only) |
IPConnector::Unresponsive |
This port network is impacted because the IPSI card, which is a critical component of the port network, is unresponsive. |
Avaya trap |
VoiceMailApplication Impacted |
VoiceMailbox::HighUtilization |
Voice mailbox usage exceeds the threshold. |
VoiceMailApplication::HighPortUtilization |
Active ports usage percentage for the voice mailbox application exceeds the threshold. |
Cisco Unity MIB |
VoiceMailApplication::JTAPIException |
The Cisco hosting the voicemail service is down. |
VoiceMailApplication::JTAPIUnresponsive |
The Cisco hosting the voicemail service is not responsive. |
VoiceMailApplication::MailboxException |
Voice mailbox is almost full. |
CallProcessor OperationExceptions |
CallProcessor::BackupActivated |
This call processor has been activated because the call manager it is backing up has failed. |
Cisco SRST MIB |
CallProcessor::ExceededMaximumUptime |
The SRST has been performing call processing for too long. The period when it has been active exceeds the threshold. |
Cisco SRST MIB |
CallProcessor::DegradedIPPhoneRegistration |
The unregistered IP phones from this Call Processor has exceeded the threshold. |
CallProcessor::TrapNotEnabled |
A trap is required to monitor the VoIP service, but trap from the underlying device is not enabled. |
Cisco SRST MIB |