VoIP Availability Manager diagnoses root-cause problems and detects (computes) events from status changes acquired in one of four ways:

  • Gathered from devices in the managed environment—SNMP and SOAP polling

  • Issued by devices in the managed environment—SNMP traps

  • Issued by IP Availability Manager—events, problems, and status attributes such as port status

  • Issued by VoIP Performance Manager—SNMP traps

    VoIP Availability Manager correlates status information to diagnose and report root-cause problems. Based on these problems, it also generates events to identify the impact on VoIP objects.

    VoIP Availability Manager also generates exceptions, or aggregate events, where an exception is a collection of events associated with a particular type of discovered object. An exception indicates one or more related failures or potential resource/capacity faults associated with a particular object. For example, when the ratio of active to total resource counts for MediaResourceAggregate exceeds a preset threshold value, a VoipCluster performance exception notification is generated to warn the operator of potential issues.

    VoIP Availability Manager generates exceptions for services, VoipCluster, CallManager, IPPhone, IPPhoneGroup, PortNetwork, VoiceMailApplication, and other object types. For any of these objects, VoIP Availability Manager generates an exception whenever any of the composite events for the object occur.

    The Global Manager imports:

  • All problems diagnosed by VoIP Availability Manager.

  • All exceptions generated by VoIP Availability Manager.

  • All impact events generated by VoIP Availability Manager

  • Some symptomatic events detected by VoIP Availability Manager.

  • Calculated impacts generated by Business Impact Manager

    The problem notifications, aggregating exceptions, and event notifications are displayed in the Global Console.

    The VMware Smart Assurance Business Impact Manager User Guide provides complete information about ServiceOffering and ServiceSubscriber classes and impact notifications.