During the post-processing phase of discovery, post-processor programs consolidate the information collected from the various probes to create additional logical objects and to create connected relationships between the objects in the repository.

The post-processing basic functions include:

  • Creating VoIP session connection objects between endpoints of communicating VoIP application services.

  • Creating Call Manager group (redundancy group) objects.

  • Creating ComposedOf relationships between multi-process VoIP applications/network services and their VoIP processes.

  • Creating LayeredOver and other relationships like RegisteredTo and Controls between the VoIP objects and the network objects imported from IP Availability Manager.

  • Creating ServiceOffering and ServiceSubscriber objects.

  • Creating Subscriber relationships between a service offering and its subscribers.

  • Creating ConsistsOf relationships between a service offering and the infrastructure objects that implement the offering.

  • Removing (pruning) stale objects and relationships from the repository.

    Post-processor programs also set the DisplayName for the discovered objects, print a discovery report to VoIP Availability Manager’s log file, and prepare VoIP Availability Manager for topology monitoring using SNMP and SOAP polling and trap processing. Trap processing and the enabling of the built-in trap receiver are applicable only if the Avaya Enablement Pack, the Nortel Enablement Pack, the Cisco Enablement Pack, or the VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack is installed.

    Additional topology added to the VoIP Availability Manager repository identifies the additional VoIP objects created by VoIP Availability Manager during the post-processing phase of discovery.

Table 1. Additional topology added to the VoIP Availability Manager repository

Class name


Vendor applicability

VoIP service connections


A logical connection between a Call Manager and a peer Call Manager. This session is established between two Call Managers belonging to the same Call Manager group (redundancy group) as soon as both Call Managers are up and running.



A logical connection between the Call Manager (ConvergedCallManager) and a gateway (GatewayService) that has registered with the Call Manager, or between an H.323 gatekeeper (H323GateKeeper) and a gateway (GatewayService) that has registered with the H.323 gatekeeper (residing on a CLAN card). This session is established when the gateway registers with the Call Manager or the H.323 gatekeeper.


Redundancy groups


A redundancy group composed of IPConnectors (Avaya IPSI cards) or MediaProcessors (Avaya MedPro cards). Either redundancy group can have only two cards.



A redundancy group composed of Call Managers, where:

  • For a Cisco VoIP infrastructure, a Call Manager is the Cisco CallManager, the Cisco Unified CallManager, or the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

  • For a Nortel VoIP infrastructure, a Call Manager is the Nortel Call Server.

Cisco, Nortel


A redundancy group composed of Call Managers, where a Call Manager is the Avaya Communication Manager.



A redundancy group composed of Signaling Servers, each running on its own server system.


Business Impact Manager (BIM) objects


A business service delivered to a set of subscribers (consumers). For example, a service offering can be a business process like Order Processing or Production Planning.



A consumer of services provided through a service offering. A service subscriber can be a customer, organization, business unit, line of business (LOB), or department.


For any device placed on the Pending Elements list during the discovery, VoIP Availability Manager will re-attempt to discover that device during the next discovery.