The first phase of the discovery process is carried out by the VoIP Availability Manager data exchange adapter (DXA) program that imports device topology information from IP Availability Manager. The program imports instances of the following ICIM topology classes:

  • UnitaryComputerSystem

  • Chassis

  • Card

  • IP

  • SNMPAgent

    The imported topology consists of device (UnitaryComputerSystem) objects along with the chassis, card, IP address, and SNMPAgent objects associated with the device objects. Only managed devices are imported, meaning that VoIP Availability Manager imports only device objects whose IsManaged attribute is set to TRUE.

    The imported SNMPAgent objects have a one-to-one relationship with the imported device objects. When IP Availability Manager discovers a device, it also discovers the device’s SNMP agent.

    The imported topology may be all devices discovered by IP Availability Manager, or just the device topology contained in the VoIP topology collection set created by IP Availability Manager. By default, VoIP Availability Manager imports all managed SNMP devices discovered by IP Availability Manager.

    When configured to import the VoIP topology collection set, VoIP Availability Manager imports just the devices identified in UnitaryComputerSystem objects in the VoIP topology collection set, along with the chassis, card, IP address, and SNMPAgents associated with the devices.


    During the import phase, only cards for Avaya Enablement Pack are imported. Later, during the retrieval phase for IP phones, all cards related to IP phones are created in the topology.

Table 1. UnitaryComputerSystem objects in the VoIP topology collection set

Class name


Vendor applicability


A general purpose computer, such as a workstation or server system.



A system that hosts the Call Manager application for a VoIP network.

Avaya, Nortel


A system that is monitored using generic network management instrumentation. Nodes are probed for standard MIB-II information, but are not probed for enterprise-specific information such as system resources.



A system or, in some cases, software in a computer that determines the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded as it travels toward its destination.



A system that switches packets, typically at wire speeds, between physically separate network segments.



A system that hosts the media server and gateway applications for a VoIP network.
