The VMware Smart Assurance Enablement Pack for Cisco includes Cisco-specific probes that are activated when the VoIP Availability Manager starts. The probes analyze the unitary computer systems in the VoIP environment to determine if Cisco elements exist on them. Only key or critical processes are transferred to the Global Manager to appear in Global Console maps or in the Topology Browser.

When a Cisco element is discovered on a host, further analysis is performed to determine exactly which components are hosted on the given system. The Cisco-specific elements, such as applications and services, are then added to the VoIP Availability Manager’s topology.

The Cisco element classes that are discovered by the Cisco Enablement Pack are listed in “Cisco Enablement Pack object classes” on page 24. The VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Discovery Guide provides detailed information on discovery by the VoIP Availability Manager.

After discovery, the VoIP Availability Manager and Cisco Enablement Pack monitor the status of the Cisco VoIP environment as reported by the Cisco SNMP and SOAP modules.

A VoIP service status may be UNKNOWN, RESPONSIVE or UNRESPONSIVE. This status, in conjunction with the status of related services, serve as symptoms to diagnose the root-cause problem. VoIP Availability Manager informs Service Assurance Manager that a VoIP service is Down. In general, the guiding principal is that an unresponsive VoIP service is Down if its underlying network is operational.

The events and symptoms are listed in “Events for VoIP Availability Manager Cisco elements” on page 27.