As described in “VoIP Performance Manager performance data and processing” on page 25, a PM trap handler parses the incoming performance data trap and applies the values to the appropriate object. If a corresponding object cannot be found in the topology, a trap handler discards the trap.
Media resource traps, which are applicable to Cisco only, are exceptions to this rule. For a received media resource trap having no corresponding object in the topology, the trap handler creates a corresponding MediaResourceAggregate object in the topology and associates the created object with its VoipCluster instance.
VoIP Availability Manager does not discover MediaResourceAggregate objects.
A MediaResourceAggregate object contains summary performance data for a specific type of registered media device, where the Type attribute is one of the following values:
MusicOnHold (MOH)
Each MediaResourceAggregate object has a one-way, one-to-many ConsumedBy relationship with MediaService objects of the same type. Each MediaResourceAggregate object also has a two-way ProvidesDataFor/ProvidesDataBy relationship with CallManager objects.
MediaService objects represent applications that handle functions like:
Decoding DTMF tones
Transmitting dial tones, busy signals, and announcements
Bridging multiple media streams into a conference
For a MusicOnHold (MOH) trap, the trap handler creates three MediaResourceAggregate objects:
The first object has Type=MusicOnHold.
The second object has Type=MOH-Multicast (and holds multicast data).
The third object has Type=MOH-Unicast (and hold unicast data).
The first MusicOnHold object has a ComposedOf relationship with the other two.