You can provide the credentials of the CloudController to the IP domain manager by using the DeviceAccess tab of the Polling and Thresholds window. Also, the user needs to set the suitable matching criteria for the CloudController host.

These credentials are used in the REST query.

To configure the REST access settings:

  1. Open the Polling and Thresholds window and select the REST Access Setting in the topology tree.

  2. Select the Parameters tab, as shown in Polling and Thresholds window.

  3. Enter the values for the REST access settings:

    • AccessProtocol— The protocol that is used to access the device. The supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS.

      • Domain— The domain name of an administrative user.

      • EndpointType— The type of the responder. The supported responder is OpenStack.

      • LoginID— An ID or user name to log in.

      • Password— The password to log in. The password is encrypted for security.

      • PortNumber— The port number.

      • PrivilegedModePassword— The additional password to enable administrative privilege. The additional password is encrypted for security. This configuration is not required.

  4. Click Apply. The REST access settings are configured.

    Figure 1. Polling and Thresholds window