A notification list includes the properties described in Notification list parameters.

Table 1. Notification list parameters




Name of the notification list, must be unique among notification lists.



ASL Filter

Type of filter used to filter notifications. You can specify two types of filters: an expression filter or an ASL filter:

  • An expression filter matches a wildcard expression against the value of a notification attribute. You create an expression filter using the filter builder. “Building expression filters” on page 180 describes expression filters.

  • An ASL filter is specified by checking the ASL Filter checkbox and typing the name of the ASL file. The ASL filter file must be located in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/rules/ics directory. You must also specify the ics directory with the name of the filter, for example, ics/myASLfilter.asl.

If no filter is specified, the notification list matches all notifications.

Column Heading

Used to modify the column headings that are displayed in the Notification Log. “Attributes for matching notification properties” on page 215 lists notification attributes.

You can use expression filters and ASL filters in combination, as well as specify multiple expressions in an expression filter. However, each filter definition sheets can contain only expression filters or an ASL filter.

You cannot have expression filters and ASL filters on the same sheet:

  • When an expression filter and an ASL filter are used in combination (they are on two separate sheets), a notification must match either the expression filter or the ASL filter to be sent to the client.

  • When multiple expression filters are specified on the same sheet, the notification must match each expression filter to be sent to the client.

  • When multiple expression filters are specified on multiple sheets, the notification must match each expression filter on sheet 1 or each expression filter on sheet 2, and so on.

    By default, there are two notification lists:

  • Default — Specifies an expression filter.

  • Maintenance — Does not specify a filter, it matches all notifications.

    “About Default notification listsâ€� on page 56 describes the default notification lists.