What to read next OverviewUse the Configuration Manager in the UI to apply a centralized copy of configuration settings to all IP Managers in your deployment. Configuration settings can include: polling intervals, thresholds, device access credentials, unique tagging identifiers for discovered topology, and discovery configuration parameters. RequirementsWhen using the Configuration Manager in the UI to control your configuration settings, ensure that you have the following components set up in your deployment: Workflow for maintaining IP Manager settingsUse the Configuration Manager to apply a centralized copy of configuration settings to all IP Managers in your deployment. Adding an IP Manager to Configuration ManagerAdd one or more IP Managers to the Configuration Manager list if they are not included. Disabling an IP Manager from Configuration Manager controlYou can temporarily stop the Configuration Manager from sending the centralized settings to an IP Manager without removing it from the Configuration Manager list. For example, you can disable the transfer of settings for a specific IP Manager while you create new groups or change settings. Modifying IP settings while Configuration Manager transfer is delayedUse this alternate approach if you want to configure groups and settings while delaying the transfer of the settings. Removing an IP Manager from Configuration Manager controlOne method to stop the Configuration Manager from sending the centralized settings to an IP Manager is to permanently remove it from the Configuration Manager list. Or, if you accidently added the incorrect IP Manager to the Configuration Manager list, you can remove it. Configuring settings for a selected groupYou can accept the default settings or change the settings and their parameters for a selected group. Configuring matching criteria for a selected groupYou can configure matching criteria for a selected group. The matching criteria determines group membership. A managed object becomes a member of the group, when the managed object matches a group’s target class and matches all of the attributes defined for the target class. Configuring target domains for a selected groupYou can specify IP Managers for a selected group and assign the setting to specific IP Managers. For example, you have a group of routers with a specific threshold setting and three IP Managers monitor the routers. Adding a description for a selected groupYou can create a description to identify a group. Configuring device access for a selected groupYou can configure the device access setting for a selected group. Device credentials, for example login credentials, are used for command line interface (CLI) discovery, CLI polling, and XML discovery. Configuring unique identifier tags for a selected groupYou can configure an IP tag naming convention that the IP Manager uses to uniquely identify discovered topological objects that have identical names. Configuring discovery settingsYou can configure the discovery process for the IP Manager. You can specify whether the IP Manager performs a full discovery or autodiscovery, the time intervals for discovery, whether pending discovery is performed for candidate systems, user-defined community strings, and SNMPV3 specifications. Configuring discovery filtersYou can configure discovery filters for candidate systems that the IP Manager uses during the discovery process. The filters can include IP address ranges, System OIDs, and so on. Adding a new groupWhen you are using the Configuration Manager to maintain settings for IP Managers, you can add a new group to the group category for Polling, Thresholds, Device Access, or Tagging. Deleting a groupWhen you are using the Configuration Manager to maintain settings for IP Managers, you can delete a user-defined group or a default group from the group category for Polling, Thresholds, Device Access, or Tagging. Changing the priority of the groupsIn any group category, you can arrange the groups in a high-to-low priority. During the matching criteria process which determines the members of a group, a candidate member object is compared against the highest priority group first. The candidate becomes a member of the first group for which there is a criteria match. Copying the configuration of a groupWhen you are using the Configuration Manager to maintain settings for IP Managers, you can create a new group by copying an existing group with its configurations, making minimal changes, and reassigning IP Managers to it. Displaying IP Manager groupsYou can view all of the groups for a specific IP Manager. Displaying IP Manager attributesYou can view all of the attributes for a specific IP Manager. Automatically loading settings from a running IP Manager into the Configuration ManagerManually transferring settings from a running IP Manager into the Configuration Manager can be time-consuming. You can use an automated alternative, the sm_settings.pl script, to export the settings from the IP Manager and import them into the Configuration Manager. sm_service install commands for LinuxThe command for products that interoperate with the User Interface includes additional options. Before you start the service, if you have not already done so, you need to issue the command from the directory to register the product with the Broker. sm_service install commands for WindowsThe command for products that interoperate with the User Interface includes additional options. Before you start the service, if you have not already done so, you need to issue the command from the directory to register the product with the Broker. Parent topic: SolutionPacks for Use with Smarts Domain Managers