Troubleshooting Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan 2.0

This topic helps you troubleshoot Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0.


When Scan 2.0 creates an ImageVulnerabilityScan, the following resources are also created:

  • Tekton PipelineRun with the following Tasks:
    • workspace-setup-task
    • scan-task
    • publish-task
  • Tekton TaskRun corresponding to each Task
  • Pod corresponding to each TaskRun

See which resources are failing

See which resources are failing by running:

kubectl get imagevulnerabilityscans,pipelineruns,taskruns,pods -n DEV-NAMESPACE

Where DEV-NAMESPACE is the name of your developer namespace.

Example output:

NAME                                                                SUCCEEDED   REASON   False       Failed

NAME                                   SUCCEEDED   REASON      STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME   False       Failed      2m10s       85s

NAME                                                    SUCCEEDED   REASON      STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME           False       Failed      94s         85s              True        Succeeded   2m1s        94s   True        Succeeded   2m9s        2m1s

NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/my-scan-5kllf-publish-task-pod           0/4     Completed   1          94s
pod/my-scan-5kllf-scan-task-pod              0/4     Completed   1          2m
pod/my-scan-5kllf-workspace-setup-task-pod   0/2     Completed   1          2m10s

Debugging commands

The following sections describe commands you run to get logs and details about scanning errors.

Debugging resources

If a resource fails or has errors, inspect the resource. If multiple resources are involved, inspecting them all can provide a broader understanding. For example, you can inspect the corresponding TaskRun to a failed Pod.

Get status conditions on a resource by running:



  • RESOURCE is ImageVulnerabilityScan, PipelineRun, TaskRun, or Pod.
  • RESOURCE-NAME is the name of the resource.
  • DEV-NAMESPACE is the name of your developer namespace.

Debugging scan pods

You can use the following methods to debug scan pods:

  • To get error logs from a pod when scan pods fail, run:

    kubectl logs SCAN-POD-NAME -n DEV-NAMESPACE

    Where SCAN-POD-NAME is the name of the scan pod.

    For information about debugging Kubernetes pods, see the Kubernetes documentation.

    A scan run that has an error can indicate that one of the following step containers has a failure:

    • step-workspace-setup
    • step-write-certs
    • step-cred-helper
    • step-SCANNER
    • step-publisher
    • sidecar-sleep

    Where SCANNER is your scanner step.

  • To verify which step container had a failed exit code, run:

    kubectl get taskrun TASKRUN-NAME -o json | jq .status

    Where TASKRUN-NAME is the name of the TaskRun.

  • To inspect a specific step container in a pod, run:

    kubectl logs scan-pod-name -n DEV-NAMESPACE -c step-container-name

    Where DEV-NAMESPACE is your developer namespace.

    For information about debugging a TaskRun, see the Tekton documentation.

  • To debug inside the scan-task pod, add an additional step with a sleep command after your scanner step in the ImageVulnerabilityScan. For example:

      - name: SCANNER-STEP
      - name: view
        image: busybox:latest
        - -c
        - sleep 6000

    This keeps the pod in a running state so that you can exec into it. Run the scan again and then exec into the pod by running:

    kubectl exec SCAN-TASK-POD-NAME -n DEV-NAMESPACE -c step-view --stdin --tty -- sh

    Where SCAN-TASK-POD-NAME is the name of your scan-task pod.

Viewing the Scan-Controller manager logs

Run these commands to view the scan-controller manager logs:

  • Retrieve scan-controller manager logs by running:

    kubectl logs deployment/app-scanning-controller-manager -n app-scanning-system
  • Tail scan-controller manager logs by running:

    kubectl logs -f deployment/app-scanning-controller-manager -n app-scanning-system

Troubleshoot issues

Steps for troubleshooting various issues are in the following sections.

Volume permission error

If you encounter a permission error for accessing, opening, and writing to the files inside a cluster volume, such as:

unsuccessful cred copy: ".git-credentials" from "/tekton/creds" to "/home/app-scanning": \
unable to open destination: open /home/app-scanning/.git-credentials: permission denied

ensure that the problematic step runs with the proper user and group ids.

Incompatible Tekton version

Tanzu Application Platform v1.7.0 and later includes v0.2.0 and Tekton Pipelines v0.50.1. The package is incompatible with previous versions of Tekton Pipelines because v1 CRDs were not enabled. You must upgrade Tanzu Application Platform to v1.7.0 or later before upgrading

If you did not upgrade Tanzu Application Platform before upgrading, you can encounter ImageVulnerabilityScans not progressing. For example:


To resolve this issue:

  1. View the controller manager logs to confirm that the issue is because of installing an incompatible Tekton version by running:

    kubectl -n app-scanning-system logs -f deployment/app-scanning-controller-manager -c manager

    If you encounter the following error, proceed to the next step:

    ERROR  controller-runtime.source.EventHandler  failed to get informer from cache  {"error": \
    "failed to get API group resources: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: \ the server could not find the requested resource"}
  2. Upgrade Tanzu Application Platform to v1.7.0 or later. For steps, see Upgrade Tanzu Application Platform.

Scan results empty

The publish-task task fails if the scan-results-path (default value of /workspace/scan-result) is empty. To confirm, view the logs of the publish-task pod by running:

kubectl logs PUBLISH-TASK-POD-NAME -c step-publisher -n DEV-NAMESPACE

Where PUBLISH-TASK-POD-NAME is the name of your publish-task pod.

Example output:

2023/08/22 17:09:49 results folder /workspace/scan-results is empty

To resolve this issue, debug within the scan-task pod by following the steps in Debugging scan pods. You must use an image with both a shell and your scanner CLI image to run the sleep command and troubleshoot your scanner commands from within the container.

Scanning in a cluster with restricted Kubernetes Pod Security Standards

As part of compliance with the restricted profile for Kubernetes Pod Security Standards, you must set the securityContext of containers and initContainers. When a pod does not meet pod Security Standards, it is not created and vulnerability scanning cannot proceed. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

You might see an error message similar to the following when describing the TaskRun:

pods "trivy-ivs-abcd-scan-task-pod" is forbidden: violates PodSecurity "restricted:latest": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "prepare" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "prepare" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), seccompProfile (pod or container "prepare" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost"). Maybe invalid TaskSpec. ScanPodError PodNotFound: no pod found

To resolve this issue:

  1. Edit your Tekton Pipelines package configuration in your tap-values.yaml with the following changes:

            set_security_context: "true"

    By setting the securityContext you resolve the prepare initContainer violation.

  2. Update your Tanzu Application Platform installation by running:

    tanzu package installed update tap -p -v TAP-VERSION  --values-file \
    tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where TAP-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Application Platform installed.

  3. Run the scan again.

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