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tanzu accelerator

Create or update accelerators in Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP). For more information see the TAP documentation.


To access this command group, you must install the Tanzu CLI by following the instructions in Accepting Tanzu Application Platform EULAs and Installing Tanzu CLI in the Tanzu Application Platform documentation.


CLI plugin: accelerator | Plugin version: v1.0.0 | Target: kubernetes


tanzu kubernetes accelerator [command]


  accelerator, acc

Available Commands

  apply               Apply accelerator resource
  create              Create a new accelerator
  delete              Delete an accelerator
  fragment            Fragment commands
  generate            Generate project from accelerator
  generate-from-local Generate project from a combination of registered and local artifacts
  get                 Get accelerator info
  list                List accelerators
  push                (DEPRECTAED) Push local path to source image
  update              Update an accelerator


      --context name      name of the kubeconfig context to use (default is current-context defined by kubeconfig)
  -h, --help              help for accelerator
      --kubeconfig file   kubeconfig file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)

tanzu accelerator apply

Create or update accelerators.


CLI plugin: accelerator | Plugin version: v1.0.0 | Target: Kubernetes


tanzu accelerator apply [flags]


tanzu accelerator apply --filename <path-to-resource-manifest>


  -f, --filename string    path of manifest file for the resource
  -h, --help               help for apply
  -n, --namespace string   namespace for the resource (default "accelerator-system")

tanzu accelerator create

Create a new accelerator.


Create a new accelerator resource with specified configuration.

Accelerator configuration options include:

  • Git repository URL and branch/tag where accelerator code and metadata is defined
  • Metadata like description, display-name, tags, and icon-url

The Git repository option is required. Metadata options are optional and override any values for the same options specified in the accelerator metadata retrieved from the Git repository.

tanzu accelerator create [flags]


tanzu accelerator create <accelerator-name> --git-repository <URL> --git-branch <branch>


      --description string    description of this accelerator
      --display-name string   display name for the accelerator
      --git-branch string     Git repository branch to be used (default "main")
      --git-repo string       Git repository URL for the accelerator
      --git-sub-path string   Git repository subPath to be used
      --git-tag string        Git repository tag to be used
  -h, --help                  help for create
      --icon-url string       URL for icon to use with the accelerator
      --interval string       interval for checking for updates to Git or image repository
      --local-path string     path to the directory containing the source for the accelerator
  -n, --namespace string      namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
      --secret-ref string     name of secret containing credentials for private Git or image repository
      --source-image string   name of the source image for the accelerator
      --tags strings          tags that can be used to search for accelerators

tanzu accelerator delete

Delete an accelerator.


Delete the accelerator resource with the specified name.

tanzu accelerator delete [flags]


tanzu accelerator delete <accelerator-name>


  -h, --help               help for delete
  -n, --namespace string   namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")

tanzu accelerator fragment

Manage fragments.


Commands to manage accelerator fragments


tanzu accelerator fragment --help

Available Commands

  create      Create a new accelerator fragment
  delete      Delete an accelerator fragment
  get         Get accelerator fragment info
  list        List accelerator fragments
  update      Update an accelerator fragment


  -h, --help   help for fragment

tanzu accelerator fragment create

Create a new accelerator fragment resource with specified configuration.

Accelerator configuration options include:

  • Git repository URL and branch/tag where accelerator code and metadata is defined
  • Metadata like description, display-name, tags and icon-url

The Git repository option is required. Metadata options are optional and will override any values for the same options specified in the accelerator metadata retrieved from the Git repository.


  tanzu kubernetes accelerator fragment create [flags]


  tanzu acceleratorent fragm create <fragment-name> --git-repository <URL> --git-branch <branch> --git-sub-path <sub-path>


      --display-name string   display name for the accelerator fragment
      --git-branch string     Git repository branch to be used (default "main")
      --git-repo string       Git repository URL for the accelerator fragment
      --git-sub-path string   Git repository subPath to be used
      --git-tag string        Git repository tag to be used
  -h, --help                  help for create
      --interval string       interval for checking for updates to Git or image repository
      --local-path string     (DEPRECATED) path to the directory containing the source for the accelerator fragment
  -n, --namespace string      namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
      --secret-ref string     name of secret containing credentials for private Git or image repository
      --source-image string   (DEPRECATED) name of the source image for the accelerator

tanzu accelerator fragment delete

Delete the accelerator fragment resource with the specified name.


tanzu kubernetes accelerator fragment delete [flags]


tanzu accelerator fragment delete <fragment-name>


  -h, --help               help for delete
  -n, --namespace string   namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")

tanzu accelerator fragment get

Get accelerator fragment info.


  tanzu kubernetes accelerator fragment get [flags]


  tanzu accelerator get <fragment-name>


  -h, --help               help for get
  -n, --namespace string   namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")

tanzu accelerator fragment list

List accelerator fragments.


List all accelerator fragments.

tanzu accelerator fragment list [flags]


tanzu accelerator fragment list


  -h, --help               help for list
  -n, --namespace string   namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
  -v, --verbose            include repository and show long URLs or image digests in the output

tanzu accelerator fragment update

Update an accelerator fragment.


Update an accelerator fragment resource with the specified name using the specified configuration.

Accelerator configuration options include: - Git repository URL and branch/tag where accelerator code and metadata is defined - Metadata like display-name

The update command also provides a –reconcile flag that will force the accelerator fragment to be refreshed with any changes made to the associated Git repository.

tanzu accelerator fragment update [flags]


tanzu accelerator update <accelerator-name> --description "Lorem Ipsum"


      --display-name string   display name for the accelerator fragment
      --git-branch string     Git repository branch to be used
      --git-repo string       Git repository URL for the accelerator fragment
      --git-sub-path string   Git repository subPath to be used
      --git-tag string        Git repository tag to be used
  -h, --help                  help for update
      --interval string       interval for checking for updates to Git repository
  -n, --namespace string      namespace for accelerator fragments (default "accelerator-system")
      --reconcile             trigger a reconciliation including the associated GitRepository resource
      --secret-ref string     name of secret containing credentials for private Git repository

tanzu accelerator generate

Generate a project from an accelerator.


Generate a project from an accelerator using provided options and download project artifacts as a ZIP file.

Generation options are provided as a JSON string and should match the metadata options that are specified for the accelerator used for the generation. The options can include “projectName” which defaults to the name of the accelerator. This “projectName” will be used as the name of the generated ZIP file.

You can see the available options by using the “tanzu accelerator get ” command.

Here is an example of an options JSON string that specifies the “projectName” and an “includeKubernetes” boolean flag:

--options '{"projectName":"test", "includeKubernetes": true}'

You can also provide a file that specifies the JSON string using the –options-file flag.

The generate command needs access to the Application Accelerator server. You can specify the --server-url flag or set an ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable. If you specify the --server-url flag it overrides the ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable if it is set.

tanzu accelerator generate [flags]


tanzu accelerator generate <accelerator-name> --options '{"projectName":"test"}'


  -h, --help                  help for generate
      --options string        options JSON string
      --options-file string   path to file containing options JSON string
      --output-dir string     directory that the zip file will be written to
      --server-url string     the URL for the Application Accelerator server

tanzu accelerator generate-from-local

Generate a project from a combination of registered and local artifacts.


Generate a project from a combination of local files and registered accelerators/fragments using provided options and download project artifacts as a ZIP file.

Options values are provided as a JSON object and should match the declared options that are specified for the accelerator used for the generation. The options can include “projectName” which defaults to the name of the accelerator. This “projectName” is used as the name of the generated ZIP file.

Here is an example of an options JSON string that specifies the “projectName” and an “includeKubernetes” Boolean flag:

--options '{"projectName":"test", "includeKubernetes": true}'

You can also provide a file that specifies the JSON string using the –options-file flag.

The generate-from-local command needs access to the Application Accelerator server. You can specify the –server-url flag or set an ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable. If you specify the --server-url flag it overrides the ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable if it is set.

tanzu accelerator generate-from-local [flags]


tanzu accelerator generate-from-local --accelerator-path java-rest=workspace/java-rest --fragment-paths java-version=workspace/version --fragment-names tap-workload --options '{"projectName":"test"}'


      --accelerator-name string             name of the registered accelerator to use
      --accelerator-path "key=value" pair   key value pair of the name and path to the directory containing the accelerator
  -f, --force                               force clean and rewrite of output-dir
      --fragment-names strings              names of the registered fragments to use
      --fragment-paths stringToString       key value pairs of the name and path to the directory containing each fragment (default [])
  -h, --help                                help for generate-from-local
      --options string                      options JSON string (default "{}")
      --options-file string                 path to file containing options JSON string
  -o, --output-dir string                   the directory that the project will be created in (defaults to the project name)
      --server-url string                   the URL for the Application Accelerator server

tanzu accelerator get

Get accelerator information.


Get accelerator information.

You can choose to get the accelerator from the Application Accelerator server using --server-url flag or from a Kubernetes context using --from-context flag. The default is to get accelerators from the Kubernetes context. To override this, you can set the ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable with the URL for the Application Accelerator server you want to access.

tanzu accelerator get [flags]


tanzu accelerator get <accelerator-name> --from-context


      --from-context        retrieve resources from current context defined in kubeconfig
  -h, --help                help for get
  -n, --namespace string    namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
      --server-url string   the URL for the Application Accelerator server
  -v, --verbose             include all fields and show long URLs in the output

tanzu accelerator list

List accelerators.


List all accelerators.

You can choose to list the accelerators from the Application Accelerator server using –server-url flag or from a Kubernetes context using --from-context flag. The default is to list accelerators from the Kubernetes context. To override this, you can set the ACC_SERVER_URL environment variable with the URL for the Application Accelerator server you want to access.

tanzu accelerator list [flags]


tanzu accelerator list


      --from-context        retrieve resources from the current context defined in kubeconfig
  -h, --help                help for list
  -n, --namespace string    namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
      --server-url string   the URL for the Application Accelerator server
  -t, --tags strings        accelerator tags to match against
  -v, --verbose             include repository and show long URLs or image digests in the output

tanzu accelerator push

Push source code from local path to source image.


Push source code from local path to source image used by an accelerator

tanzu accelerator push [flags]


tanzu accelerator push --local-path <local path> --source-image <image>


  -h, --help                  help for push
      --local-path string     path to the directory containing the source for the accelerator
      --source-image string   name of the source image for the accelerator

When you run the tanzu accelerator push command, --source-image is only required if the registry being used is not handled by Local Source Proxy. For information about Local Source Proxy, see Overview of Local Source Proxy in the Tanzu Applicaiton Plaform documentation.

If Local Source Proxy cannot be configured, use a source image registry. Before deploying a workload, you must authenticate with an image registry to store your source code.

tanzu accelerator update

Update an accelerator.


Update an accelerator resource with the specified name using the specified configuration.

Accelerator configuration options include: - Git repository URL and branch/tag where accelerator code and metadata is defined - Metadata like description, display-name, tags and icon-url

The update command also provides a --reoncile flag that will force the accelerator to be refreshed with any changes made to the associated Git repository.

tanzu accelerator update [flags]


tanzu accelerator update <accelerator-name> --description "Lorem Ipsum"


      --description string    description of this accelerator
      --display-name string   display name for the accelerator
      --git-branch string     Git repository branch to be used
      --git-repo string       Git repository URL for the accelerator
      --git-sub-path string   Git repository subPath to be used
      --git-tag string        Git repository tag to be used
  -h, --help                  help for update
      --icon-url string       URL for icon to use with the accelerator
      --interval string       interval for checking for updates to Git or image repository
  -n, --namespace string      namespace for accelerator system (default "accelerator-system")
      --reconcile             trigger a reconciliation including the associated GitRepository resource
      --secret-ref string     name of secret containing credentials for private Git or image repository
      --source-image string   name of the source image for the accelerator
      --tags strings          tags that can be used to search for accelerators
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