Use Tanzu Mission Control to set up your Kubernetes cluster or cluster groups for continuous delivery.

When you enable continuous delivery on a cluster or cluster group, you can associate a Git repository and sync folders in the repository to the cluster.

Note that if a resource is created at cluster group level, it gets fanned out to clusters under that cluster group. These are read-only resources at the cluster level and you can’t edit or delete them from the cluster page.

Clusters can be moved from one cluster group to another. When that’s done, resources from the old cluster group get deleted and resources from the new cluster group are added.


Continuous delivery is not supported for Openshift clusters.


Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console.

Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to enable continuous delivery.
  • To enable continuous delivery, you must be associated with the cluster.admin or clustergroup.admin role.


  1. Click Cluster or Cluster groups in the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the cluster or cluster group for which you want to enable continuous delivery.
  3. Click on the Add-ons tab.
  4. Click Enable Continuous Delivery.


When you click Enable Continuous Delivery, Tanzu Mission Control installs Flux on your clusters to sync kustomizations from your Git repository. The installation adds the following namespaces in your clusters:
  • tanzu-fluxcd-packageinstalls - namespace for Flux package install resources (source controller and Kustomization controller)
  • tanzu-source-controller - namespace for Flux source controller deployments
  • tanzu-kustomize-controller - namespace for Flux Kustomize controller deployments
  • tanzu-continuousdelivery-resources - namespace for user-created GitRepository and Kustomization resources, and intents resources

Prior to installing Flux, Tanzu Mission Control searches for Flux CRDs in your cluster. If Flux CRDs are present, Tanzu Mission Control uses the currently installed instance rather than installing a new one. If the CRDs are not present, Tanzu Mission Control installs the Flux source controller and Kustomize controller and subsequently manages their lifecycles.

What to do next

After you enable continuous delivery on your cluster or cluster group, you can add Git repositories and kustomizations for the cluster or cluster group.

If you intend to use continuous delivery to install applications from Helm charts stored in a Helm repository, you must first install the Flux Helm controller from the Tanzu standard repository. For more information, see Managing Packages and Releases in Your Cluster.