Ensure that you meet the following requirements and perform the AWS set up tasks before installing VMware Tanzu Operations Manager on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

You can install Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS with either the VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) or VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI) runtime. There are resource requirements specific to each runtime. Ensure that you meet the requirements for your runtime and the requirements specific to AWS before installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS.


This section lists the resource requirements for installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS, both the general resource requirements, and the AWS-specific resource requirements.

Tanzu Operations Manager resource requirements

Refer to one of the following topics, depending on the runtime you plan to install using Tanzu Operations Manager:

AWS resource requirements

These are the AWS-specific resource requirements for installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS with an external database and external file storage:

  • Installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS requires a minimum of the following VM instance limits in your AWS account. The number of VMs required depends on the number of tiles and availability zones (AZs) you plan to deploy. The following VM guidelines apply to the TAS for VMs, Small Footprint TAS for VMs, and TKGI runtimes:

    • TKGI: See AWS Prerequisites and Resource Requirements.

    • TAS for VMs: At a minimum, a new AWS deployment requires the following VMs for TAS for VMs:

      AWS requirements VM name VM type Default VM count Required or optional VM
      TAS for VMs NATS t3.micro 2 Required
      File storage m5.large 1 Optional
      MySQL proxy t3.micro 2 Optional
      MySQL server r5.large 3 Optional
      Backup restore node t3.micro 1 Optional
      Diego BBS t3.micro 3 Required
      UAA m5.large 2 Required
      Cloud Controller m5.large 2 Required
      HAProxy t3.micro 0 Optional
      Router t3.micro 3 Required
      MySQL monitor t3.micro 1 Optional
      Clock global t3.medium 2 Required
      Cloud Controller worker t3.micro 2 Required
      Diego Brain t3.small 3 Required
      Diego Cell r5.xlarge 3 Required
      Loggregator Traffic Controller t3.micro 2 Required
      Doppler server m5.large 3 Required
      TCP router t3.micro 0 Optional
      CredHub r5.large 2 Optional
      Istio router r5.large 0 Optional
      Istio control r5.large 0 Optional
      Route syncer r5.large 0 Optional
      Tanzu Operations Manager BOSH Director m5.large 1 Required

      Also required:

      • Three Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs)
      • One Relational Database Service. As a minimum, VMware recommends using a db.m5.xlarge instance with at least 100 GB of allocated storage.
      • Five S3 buckets

      Note If you are deploying a test or sandbox deployment that does not require high availability, then you can scale down the number of VM instances in your deployment. For more information, see Scaling TAS for VMs.

    • Small Footprint TAS for VMs: To run Small Footprint TAS for VMs, a new AWS deployment requires:

      AWS requirements VM name VM type Default VM count Minimum HA VM count Required or optional VM
      Small footprint TAS for VMs Compute r5.xlarge 1 3 Required
      Control r5.xlarge 1 2 Required
      Database r5.large 1 3 Required
      Router t3.micro 1 3 Required
      File storage m5.large 1 N/A Optional
      Backup restore node t3.micro 1 1 Optional
      MySQL monitor t3.micro 1 1 Optional
      HAProxy t3.micro 0 2 Optional
      TCP router t3.micro 0 1 Optional
      Istio router r5.large 0 1 Optional
      Istio control r5.large 0 2 Optional
      Route syncer r5.large 0 1 Optional
      Tanzu Operations Manager BOSH Director m5.large 1 N/A Required

Before installing Tanzu Operations Manager

Before installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS, you must:

  • Increase or remove the VM instance limits in your AWS account. Installing Tanzu Operations Manager requires more than the default 20 concurrent instances. For more information about VM resource requirements, see Requirements.

  • Configure your AWS account with the appropriate AWS region. For more information about selecting the correct region for your deployment, see Region and Availability Zone Concepts in the AWS documentation.

  • Install the AWS CLI. Configure the AWS CLI with the user credentials that have admin access to your AWS account. To download the AWS CLI, see AWS CLI.

  • Configure an AWS EC2 key pair to use with your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment. For more information, see Creating an EC2 Key Pair in the AWS documentation.

  • Register a wildcard domain for your Tanzu Operations Manager installation. For more information, see Create an HTTPS listener for your Application Load Balancer in the AWS documentation.

  • Create an SSL certificate for your Tanzu Operations Manager domain. For more information, see the AWS documentation about SSL certificates.

    To deploy Tanzu Operations Manager to a production environment, you must obtain a certificate from a certificate authority. VMware recommends using a self-signed certificate generated by Tanzu Operations Manager for development and testing purposes only.

  • (TAS for VMs only): Configure sufficient IP allocation. For more information about IP allocation requirements, see TAS for VMs Resource Requirements.

  • (Optional) (TAS for VMs only): Configure external storage. VMware recommends using external storage if possible. For more information about how file storage location affects platform performance and stability during upgrades, see Configure file storage in Configuring TAS for VMs for Upgrades.

  • (Optional) (TAS for VMs and Tanzu Operations Manager only): Configure external databases. VMware recommends using external databases in production deployments for BOSH Director and TAS for VMs. An external database must be configured to use the UTC timezone.

  • (Optional) Configure external user stores. When you deploy Tanzu Operations Manager, you can select SAML, LDAP, or OIDC to integrate existing user accounts.

Install Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS

To install Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS, see Installing Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS.

Additional resources

For more information, see:

And in the AWS documentation:

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