The System Write Community Strings remote ping group is applicable to both Cisco Ping MIB access and Juniper Ping MIB access. “Configuring a Community String for Juniper Ping MIB Access” on page 177 describes how to configure a community string on the managed Juniper devices so that MPLS Manager can access their Ping MIBs.

The System Write Community Strings default remote ping group is used by periodic remote pings (deployed by the remote ping groups CE to CE Pings through PE to VRF Pings) and by on-demand remote pings to write remote ping entries to the Ping-MIB-enabled devices in the managed MPLS network. It has a single setting named System Write Community Strings.

The System Write Community Strings remote ping group is applicable to SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c-capable devices but not to SNMPv3-capable devices. SNMPv3 credentials are used to write remote ping entries to Ping-MIB-enabled SNMPv3-enabled devices.

System Write Community Strings setting parameters lists the System Write Community Strings setting parameters.

Table 1. System Write Community Strings setting parameters






Default: ENABLED

Enables or disables the use of the write community string that is defined for this group.


String of unspecified length

Default: “private”

The write community string that is defined for this group.

By default, all discovered devices in the managed MPLS network become members of the System Write Community Strings group. Thus, by default, for both periodic and on-demand remote pings, MPLS Manager uses the write community string (also known as the write community name) that is defined in the System Write Community Strings group for all Ping-MIB-enabled PE and CE devices in the managed MPLS network.

If individual devices or subgroups of devices in the managed MPLS network use different write community strings, an administration must create a new System Write Community Strings group for each write community string. The basic steps are:

  1. Create a System Write Community Strings group for each device or subgroup of devices that has a different write community string; for instructions on creating new groups, see “Create new groups” on page 123.

  2. Assign a different write community string to each of the System Write Community Strings groups; for instructions on modifying a setting’s parameters, see “Modify the parameters of a setting” on page 120.

  3. Define matching criteria for each of the System Write Community Strings groups to limit each group’s membership to the device or subgroup of devices to which the write community string applies; for instructions on defining matching criteria, see “Edit matching criteria” on page 122.

  4. Change the priority of the System Write Community Strings groups if need be; for instructions on prioritizing groups, see “Modify the priority of groups” on page 121.

    To write a ping entry to a device, MPLS Manager searches through the prioritized list of System Write Community Strings groups for a device match, finds a match, includes the associated write community string in the remote ping request, and sends the request to the device. If no match is found, MPLS Manager includes the global write community string that is defined in the REMOTEPING.conf file in the remote ping request. The REMOTEPING.conf file is described in “Description of REMOTEPING.conf” on page 40.