MPLS Manager provides six remote ping group categories, shown in MPLS Manager remote ping group categories and default remote ping groups, each of which contains a default remote ping group.

Figure 1. MPLS Manager remote ping group categories and default remote ping groups

Table 24 on page 141 lists the default remote ping groups, their target classes, and their settings. The tables also identifies the devices that are supported for each remote ping group.

Table 1. Default MPLS Manager remote ping groups

Remote ping group

Target class


Supported devices

1  A group’s default setting and external setting are mutually exclusive.

CE to CE Pings


CE to CE Ping Settings


PE to CE Pings


PE to CE Ping Settings (default setting)

RemotePing External Setting 1

PE to Unmanaged CE Pings


PE to Unmanaged CE Ping Settings (default setting)

RemotePing External Setting 1

PE to PE Pings


PE to PE Ping Settings (default setting)

RemotePing External Setting 1

Cisco and Juniper

PE to VRF Pings


PE to VRF Ping Settings (default setting)

RemotePing External Setting 1

System Write Community Strings


System Write Community Strings

Four things to note about Table 24:

  • Even though many settings are available to each of the default remote ping groups, only the group-to-setting mappings that are shown in the table are valid. For example, only PE to CE Ping Settings and RemotePing External Setting are valid settings for the PE to CE Pings remote ping group.

  • Only the discovered objects of the type in the “Target class” column for a particular group can become members of that group. Membership for type VPN is limited to Layer 3 VPNs.

  • By default, all discovered objects of the type identified in the “Target class” column for a particular group become members of that group.

    You can specify matching criteria for a remote ping group to limit its membership, as explained in “Edit matching criteria” on page 122. You can also configure certain setting parameters to limit a remote ping group’s membership.

  • The CE in any of the CE-involved Ping groups may be a traditional CE device or a multi-VRF CE device. In addition, the VRF in the PE to VRF Pings group may be a VRF that is hosted by a multi-VRF CE device.