BGP session flapping detectionclarifies by example how Network Protocol Manager for BGPdetermines that a BGP protocol endpoint and associated BGP session are flapping.

Figure 1. BGP session flapping detection

The example assumes that the Trap_Time_Window is 30 seconds, the Trap_Count_Threshold is 3, and the FLAP_Clear_Window is 60 minutes. Network Protocol Manager for BGPperforms the following actions:

  1. As soon as Network Protocol Manager for BGPreceives a bgpEstablished trap for the BGP protocol endpoint, it begins counting.

  2. When Network Protocol Manager for BGPreceives three or more traps within the 30-second trap time window, it considers the BGP protocol endpoint to be flapping and sets the endpoint’s IsFlapping attribute (IsFlapping = TRUE).

  3. Network Protocol Manager for BGPcontinues to receive traps for 75 seconds after the initial trap, which results in a stable time of 75 seconds.

  4. Network Protocol Manager for BGP clears the endpoint’s IsFlapping attribute (IsFlapping = FALSE) at the end of the stable time.