This topic lists the Actions Settings and Connections.

When you navigate to Administration > Alarms Management > Actions in the left-hand-side vertical navigation, the browser navigates to the Actions page, where you can view the list of Actions Settings and Connections.

For Actions Settings:
  • You can view the list of pre-defined and user-defined actions.
  • When you select and click on a particular action, you can edit that action.
  • For each action, you can view the Name, Description, Category, and the date it was last updated. You can filter an action based on the name, description, category, or date field.
  • For the selected action, you can edit, clone, or delete an action from the Actions drop-down menu. present on the right-hand side of the actions page.
  • You can create Actions or Connections by clicking on the Add button present on the right-hand side of the actions page.
For Connections:
  • You can view the list of connections.
  • Each connection has a Connection ID and Connection Type.
  • When you click on the Actions drop-down menu, you can either edit or delete a connection.