During this installation task, you refresh your system data and run the orchestration that configures all the components of SaltStack Config.


Before running the highstate, it is especially important to follow all the steps listed on the Install or upgrade Salt page. In particular, you must install the dependencies needed for the SaltStack Config installer on all four nodes in the installation. Otherwise, the multi-node installation will fail. Remediating a failed multi-node installation may require you to Contact Support.

The necessary dependencies are:

  • OpenSSL
  • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
  • Python cryptography
  • Python OpenSSL library

To apply the highstates:

  1. On the Salt master, sync your grains to confirm that the Salt master has the grain data needed for each minion. This step ensures that the pillar data is properly generated for SaltStack Config functionality.

    In the command that syncs the grains, you can target all minions, or you can pass in a list of the specific minion IDs for your nodes (including the Salt master itself) in the brackets. For example:

    Target all minions

    sudo salt \* saltutil.refresh_grains

    Target a list of minions

    sudo salt -L 'salt-master-1,postgres-database-1,redis-database-1,saltstack-enterprise-api-server-1' saltutil.refresh_grains
  2. Refresh and confirm that each of the minions has received the pillar data defined in the sse_settings.yaml file and that it appears as expected.

    In the command that refreshes the pillar data, you can target all minions or you can pass in a list of the specific minion IDs for your nodes (including the Salt master itself) in the brackets. For example:

    Target all minions

    sudo salt \* saltutil.refresh_pillar

    Target a list of minions

    sudo salt -L 'salt-master-1,postgres-database-1,redis-database-1,saltstack-enterprise-api-server-1' saltutil.refresh_pillar
  3. Confirm that the return data for your pillar is correct:
    sudo salt \* pillar.items

    Verify that you see pillar data related to SaltStack Config.


    You could also target a specific minion’s pillar data to verify the pillar data has been refreshed.

  4. Run the command that applies the orchestration highstate to the PostgreSQL server. Use the minion ID that you recorded for the PostgreSQL server earlier as you worked through the Record key data about the four nodes step.

    For example:

    sudo salt postgres-database-1 state.highstate
  5. Repeat the previous step for each of the following servers, replacing the minion ID for each server:
    • The Redis node
    • The RaaS node
    • The Salt master node

    During the initial application of the highstate to the Salt master, you may see the following error message: Authenticationerroroccurred. This error displays because the Salt master has not yet authenticated to the RaaS node, but the Master Plugin installation state will restart the Salt master service and the issue will be resolved automatically.

If you encounter any other errors while running the highstates, refer to the Troubleshooting page or Contact Support.

What to do next

After applying the highstate, the standard installation process is complete. Now, you must complete several post-installation steps: