In the standard installation, you run an orchestration highstate provided in the SaltStack Config installer. The highstate runs on your Salt master and sets up a multi-node environment. It installs the core SaltStack Config architecture on the three other nodes that will host PostgreSQL, Redis, and the RaaS node.

In this installation scenario, the end goal is to have four nodes, each with a different host function. Each node is also a minion to the Salt master:

  • A Salt master node
  • A PostgreSQL database node
  • A Redis database node
  • A RaaS node, also known as the SaltStack Config node
Note: As part of VMware’s initiative to remove problematic terminology, the term Salt master will be replaced with a better term in SaltStack Config and related products and documentation. This terminology update may take a few release cycles before it is fully complete.

In the standard installation, you run an orchestration highstate designed by VMware. The highstate runs on your Salt master and sets up the multi-node environment. It installs the core SaltStack Config architecture on the three other nodes that will host PostgreSQL, Redis, and RaaS. For more information about how orchestration works, see Salt system architecture.

High availablility

It is possible to set up multiple Salt masters or multiple RaaS nodes. It is also possible to run the Salt master service on one node, and combine two or more of the other services on a separate node. The steps to configure this kind of system architecture are not fully explained in this guide.

High availability or custom architecture requirements may require consultation services. However, before setting up multiple nodes of the same type, you typically begin with the multi-node installation scenario first and then configure additional architecture later.

For more information about high availability, see System architecture requirements.

Before you start

Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have read and completed the pre-installation tasks:

For a standard installation, it is especially important to follow all the steps listed in the Install or upgrade Salt page. In particular, you must install the dependencies needed for the SaltStack Config installer on all four nodes in the installation. Otherwise, the installation will fail. Remediating a failed installation may require in-depth troubleshooting. If you need assistance, Contact Support.