To create a private cloud environment and install vRealize Suite products, use vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.


  • Configure Product Binaries for the products to install. See Configure product binaries for your release.
  • Ensure that you have added a vCenter to the data center with valid credentials and the request is complete.
  • Generate a single SAN certificate with host names for each product to install from the Certificate tab in the UI.
  • Verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements for each of the vRealize Suite products you want to install. See the following product documentation for system requirements needed for your specific product release:

  • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config offers two setup options:
    • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config-Integrated: This setup is part of vRealize Automation SaltStack Config single node setup, which does not support multiple node setup or vertical scale up options. After vRealize Automation is installed, if multiple tenancy is not enabled, the vRealize Automation SaltStack Config instance associates with the base tenant of vRealize Automation. When multi-tenancy is enabled in vRealize Automation, vRealize Automation SaltStack Config is associated with the newly added tenants, and then proceeds with the installation. When vRealize Automation is imported, the vRealize Automation SaltStack Config instances which are associated with vRealize Automation are also imported.
    • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config Standalone: This setup has no dependency on vRealize Automation.
      When installing vRealize Automation SaltStack Config, you require the following licenses
      • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config-Integrated: vRealize Automation Enterprise, vRealize Automation Advanced or Suite license.
      • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config Standalone: vRealize Automation Standard Plus license.
  • If you are importing an existing vRealize Operations Manager installation, set a root password for that installation.