Before you can begin using the Management Pack, you must create an adapter instance to identify the host from which the Management Pack will retrieve data.



  1. From Administration, select Solutions.
  2. From the list of Solutions on the right, select F5 BIG-IP.
  3. Click the Configure configure_icon icon. The Manage Solution window will appear.
    Note: Click the Add add_iconicon above the Instance Namelist on the left to create multiple adapter instances.

  4. In the Manage Solution window, enter the following information:
    1. Instance Settings:
      • Display Name: A name for this particular instance of the Management Pack.
      • Description: Optional, but it can be helpful to describe multiple instances of the Management Pack.
    2. Basic Settings:
      • Host: Management IP or DNS name of F5 BIG-IP System to be monitored.
      Note: To ensure the Management Pack is always receiving active metrics, you must set the host to a self IP that will follow the active load balancing when configuring against a failover cluster.
      • License Type: Select Physical or Virtual, depending on your license type (either selection will work for TVS licensing).
      • Port: The port to access the iControl/Configuration interface; default port is 443.
      • Exclude Nodes and Pool Members: Default value is False . Set to True to exclude monitoring data for nodes and pool members (which helps to avoid slowing down vROps for extremely large environments).
      • Exclude Relationships: Default value is False. Set to True to exclude relationships (which helps to avoid slowing down vROps for extremely large environments).
    3. Advanced Settings:
      • Collector(s)/Groups: Default Collector/Group is automatically selected. Click the drop-down menu if you want to run the collection on a different node.
      • Support Autodiscovery: Default setting is True, which enables the adapter instance to create resources for you. This should not be set to False.
      • Timeout (Seconds): A timeout interval (in seconds) for API calls; the recommended default value is 30 seconds.
  5. Click Test Connection to test the configured connection information. Click Save Settings and Close to save your adapter instance.

What to do next