Before you can begin using the Management Pack, you must create an adapter instance to identify the host from which the Management Pack will retrieve data.



  1. Log in to vRealize Operations as an admin user.
  2. Click the Administrationadministration_icon icon. In the right panel, the Solutions view will be displayed.
  3. Select SAP Adapter from the Solutions list.
  4. Click the Configureconfigure_icon icon. The Manage Solution window will appear. 

    If you need to create multiple adapter instances, click the Add


     icon above the Instance Name list on the left to additional adapter instances.

  5. In the Manage Solution window, enter the following information:
    1. Adapter Settings:

      1. Display Name: Enter a name for this particular adapter instance of the Management Pack.

      2. Description: Optional, but it can be helpful to describe multiple adapter instances of the Management Pack.

    2. Basic Settings:

      1. Central Instance Host Name(s): Enter a comma-separated list of server names (or IP addresses) for your SAP system's Central Instance Host(s).


        Host name is recommended (not IP address). If you provide an IP address, the management pack can connect to only the specified host and will not search for (and connect to) other hosts in your system. Search domains for hosts are fully supported using the Search Domain Advanced Setting below.


        All hosts must be resolvable on the vROps system via DNS. See: VMware KB article for remediation steps on a vApp.


        If you wish to create external relationships between your SAP HANA database server and your SAP application server, you must also add the SAP HANA database host(s) to the Central Instance Host Name(s) field. See: External Relationships.

      2. Credential: Select the credential you created when Configuring the Management Pack (SAP).

    3. Advanced Settings:

      1. Collector(s)/Groups: Default Collector/Group is automatically selected. Click the drop-down menu if you want to run the collection on a different node.

      2. SSL Configuration: The default setting is No Verify (SSL enabled/certificate not verified); other options include No SSL (SSL disabled) and Verify (SSL enabled/certificate is verified).

      3. Search Domain: Enter a search domain in this field (e.g. bluemedora.localnet), which creates a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) and allows the management pack to search for (and connect to) additional hosts in your SAP system.

      4. Support Autodiscovery: This should be True. When you enable autodiscovery, the Management Pack creates resources and relationships in vROps, then collects data for the discovered resources after the main collection query runs.


        The collection interval for the adapter instance resource determines how often the Management Pack collects data. The default collection interval is five minutes. For information about changing the collection interval, see: Configuring the Properties File (SAP).

What to do next