Before you can begin using the Management Pack, you must create an adapter instance to identify the host from which the Management Pack will retrieve data.



  1. From the top navigation bar, select Administration. In the right panel, the Solutions view will be displayed.
  2. Select ServiceNow from the Solutions list on the right.
  3. Click theConfigure configure_icon icon. TheManage Solutionwindow will appear.
    Note: Click the Add add_icon icon above the Instance Namelist on the left to create multiple adapter instances.
  4. In the Manage Solution window, enter the following information:
    1. Instance Settings:
      • Display Name: A name for this particular instance of the Management Pack.
      • Description: Optional, but it can be helpful to describe multiple adapter instances of the Management Pack.
    2. Basic Settings:
      • ServiceNow Host: The ServiceNow instance this product will pull CMDB data from.
      • Configuration File: By default, this product expects the user to supply a configuration file in the work directory; the work directory is $VCOPS_BASE/user/plugins/inbound/servicenow_adapter3/work  This can be overridden by including an absolute path to the file if it is in a different location. See: Creating a Configuration File (ServiceNow)
      • Credential: Select the credential you created when Creating a Credential (ServiceNow), or click the Add add_icon icon to create a credential set now.
    3. Advanced Settings:
      • Collector(s)/Groups: Default Collector/Group is automatically selected. Click the drop-down menu if you want to run the collection on a different node.
      • Maximum Concurrent vROps Requests: Maximum number of vROps requests that can occur simultaneously.
      • Maximum Concurrent ServiceNow Requests: Maximum number of ServiceNow requests that can occur simultaneously.
      • ServiceNow SSL Configuration: The SSL mode to use when connecting to the target. Can be configured to not use SSL (No SSL), use SSL but do not verify the target's certificate (No Verify), and use SSL and verify the target's certificate (Verify). See: Adding an SSL Certificate to the vROps Truststore (ServiceNow)
      • Upload Dashboards: Whether or not this product should automatically upload dashboards based on the configuration file. If true, dashboards will also be cleaned up automatically if the user changes the configuration file. If false, the dashboards are still generated and available in the work directory to be manually installed.
      • Upload Reports: Whether or not this product should automatically upload reports based on the configuration file. If true, reports will also be cleaned up automatically if the user changes the configuration file. If false, the reports are still generated available in the work directory to be manually installed.
  5. Click Test Connection to ensure the Management Pack can connect to your cluster endpoint. Click Save Settings and Close to save your configuration.

What to do next