The system analyzes whether the uploaded .csv file contains Customer Connect license keys that are missing from your vCenter license inventory. If the .csv file contains such missing license keys, the system offers you to add those license keys to your vCenter license inventory.

All license keys in the list are selected by default and are added to your vCenter license inventory when you complete the Import License Keys Data wizard. If you do not want to add a particular key, deselect it in the list.

Some of the license keys that you add on the Add license keys page of the wizard might be replacement keys for inactive keys that are currently in your vCenter license inventory. An inactive key is a key that is combined, divided, upgraded, or downgraded. To complete the replacement of inactive license keys with new license keys from Customer Connect, you must manually remove the inactive keys. For information about removing inactive license keys, see Remove License Keys That Have Been Combined, Divided, Upgraded, or Downgraded

Other license keys that you add on the Add license keys page of the wizard might be upgrade keys for some old license keys in your vCenter license inventory. To complete the upgrade process of old keys in your vCenter license inventory with new keys from Customer Connect, you must manually remove the inactive keys. For information about completing the license key upgrade process, see Upgrade License Keys in Your vCenter License Inventory


  1. (Optional) If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, click Next to proceed to the last step of the wizard and see Complete the License Key Import Process.
    If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, the list on the Add License Keys page is empty.
  2. (Optional) To view license key details, such as account name and number, order number, important dates, and support level, click a license key in the list.
    The information is displayed in the Customer Connect License Keys Details section below the license keys list.
  3. (Optional) To change the license key name, double-click a license key in the list and specify a new name for the license key.
    The new name is automatically saved when you click anywhere in the list.
  4. (Optional) To export license keys into a .CSV file, click the arrow next to the Export button, choose an option from the pop-up menu, and click Save.
  5. Click Next.